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R on Windows: character encoding hell

I am trying to import a CSV encoded as OEM-866 (Cyrillic charset) into R on Windows. I also have a copy that has been converted into UTF-8 w/o BOM. Both of these files are readable by all other applications on my system, once the encoding is specified.

Furthermore, on Linux, R can read these particular files with the specified encodings just fine. I can also read the CSV on Windows IF I do not specify the "fileEncoding" parameter, but this results in unreadable text. When I specify the file encoding on Windows, I always get the following errors, for both the OEM and the Unicode file:

Original OEM file import:

> oem.csv <- read.table("~/csv1.csv", sep=";", dec=",", quote="",fileEncoding="cp866")   #result:  failure to import all rows
Warning messages:
1: In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
  invalid input found on input connection '~/Revolution/RProject1/csv1.csv'
2: In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
  number of items read is not a multiple of the number of columns

UTF-8 w/o BOM file import:

> unicode.csv <- read.table("~/csv1a.csv", sep=";", dec=",", quote="",fileEncoding="UTF-8") #result:    failure to import all row
Warning messages:
1: In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
  invalid input found on input connection '~/Revolution/RProject1/csv1a.csv'
2: In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
  number of items read is not a multiple of the number of columns

Locale info:

> Sys.getlocale()
   [1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252"

What is it about R on Windows that is responsible for this? I've pretty much tried everything I could by this point, besides ditching windows.

Thank You

(Additional failed attempts):

>Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8") #OS reports request to set locale to "en_US.UTF-8" cannot be honored
>options(encoding="UTF-8") #now nothing can be imported  
> noarg.unicode.csv <- read.table("~/Revolution/RProject1/csv1a.csv", sep=";", dec=",", quote="")   #result: mangled cyrillic
> encarg.unicode.csv <- read.table("~/Revolution/RProject1/csv1a.csv", sep=";", dec=",", quote="",encoding="UTF-8") #result: mangled cyrillic
like image 760
user27636 Avatar asked Sep 13 '13 14:09


People also ask

What encoding should I use for R?

If in doubt about which encoding to use, use UTF-8, as it can encode any Unicode character.

What is encoding Windows 1252?

Windows-1252 or CP-1252 (code page 1252) is a single-byte character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows for English and many European languages including Spanish, French, and German.

Does R support Unicode?

In R 4.0 and earlier, RGui can already work with all Unicode characters. RGui can print UTF-8 R strings. When running with RGui, R escapes UTF-8 strings and embeds them into strings otherwise in native encoding on output.

3 Answers

It is possible that your problem is solved by changing fileEncoding into encoding, these parameters work differently in the read function (see ?read).

oem.csv <- read.table("~/csv1.csv", sep=";", dec=",", quote="",encoding="cp866")

Just in case however, a more complete answer, as there may be some non-obvious obstacles. In short: It is possible to work with Cyrillic in R on Windows (in my case Win 7).

You may need to try a few possible encodings to get things to work. For text mining, an important aspect is to get the your input variables to match the data. There the function of Encoding() is very useful, see also iconv(). Thus it is possible to see your native parameter.

Encoding(variant <- "Минемум")

In my case the encoding is UTF-8, although this may depend on system settings. So, we can try the result with UTF-8 and UTF-8-BOM, and make a test file in notepad++ with a line of Latin and a line of Cyrillic.

UTF8_nobom_cyrillic.csv & UTF8_bom_cyrillic.csv

part2, part3, part4
Минемум конкыптам, тхэопхражтуз, ед про

This can be imported into R by

raw_table1 <- read.csv("UTF8_nobom_cyrillic.csv", header = FALSE, sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", encoding = "UTF-8")
raw_table2 <- read.csv("UTF8_bom_cyrillic.csv", header = FALSE, sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", encoding = "UTF-8-BOM")

The results of these are for me for BOM regular Cyrillic in the view(raw_table1), and gibberish in console.

part2, part3, part4

More importantly however, the script does not give access to it.

> grep("Минемум", as.character(raw_table2[2,1]))

The results for No BOM UTF-8, are something like this for both view(raw_table1) and console.

part2, part3, part4
<U+041C><U+0438><U+043D><U+0435><U+043C><U+0443><U+043C> <U+043A><U+043E><U+043D><U+043A><U+044B><U+043F><U+0442><U+0430><U+043C> <U+0442><U+0445><U+044D><U+043E><U+043F><U+0445><U+0440><U+0430><U+0436><U+0442><U+0443><U+0437> <U+0435><U+0434> <U+043F><U+0440><U+043E>

However, importantly, a search for the word inside will yield the correct result.

> grep("Минемум", as.character(raw_table1[2,1]))

Thus, it is possible to work with non-standard characters in Windows, depending on your precise goals though. I work with non-English Latin characters regularly and the UTF-8 allows working in Windows 7 with no issues. "WINDOWS-1252" has been useful for exporting into Microsoft readers such as Excel.

PS The Russian words were generated here http://generator.lorem-ipsum.info/_russian, so essentially meaningless. PPS The warnings you mentioned remain still with no apparent important effects.

like image 142
puslet88 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10


Simple answer.

Sys.setlocale(locale = "Russian")

if you just want the russian language (not formats, currency):

'Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_COLLATE", locale = "Russian")'

'Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE", locale = "Russian")'

If happen to be using Revolution R Open 3.2.2, you may need to set the locale in the Control Panel as well: otherwise - if you have RStudio - you'll see Cyrillic text in the Viewer and garbage in the console. So for example if you type a random cyrillic string and hit enter you'll get garbage output. Interestingly, Revolution R does not have the same problem with say Arabic text. If you use regular R, it seems that Sys.setlocale() is enough.

'Sys.setlocale()' was suggested by user G. Grothendieck's here: R, Windows and foreign language characters

like image 42
user27636 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10


There are two options for reading data from files containing characters unsupported by your current locale. You can change your locale as suggested by @user23676 or you can convert to UTF-8. The readr package provides replacements for read.table derived functions that perform this conversion for you. You can read the CP866 file with

oem.csv <- read_csv2('~/csv1.csv', locale = locale(encoding = 'CP866'))

There is one little problem, which is that there is a bug in print.data.frame that results in columns with UTF-8 encoding to be displayed incorrectly on Windows. You can work around the bug with print.listof(oem.csv) or print(as.matrix(oem.csv)).

I've discussed this in more detail in a blog post at http://people.fas.harvard.edu/~izahn/posts/reading-data-with-non-native-encoding-in-r/

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Ista Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10
