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Qt3D: How to render a mesh in wireframe mode using Qt C++?

Qt3D documentation is increasing but still lacking some information especially on how to do things without Qml/QtQuick. After heavily searching the web about rendering a mesh in wireframe mode, I found a lot of helpful hints and examples that all together resulted in an example viewer that I wanted to present here as a contribution to all the guys that wrote the articles and others who may have searched similar examples.

The most helpful links were these:

Qt basic shapes example

Qt wireframe example

Qt material documentation

Qt MyCylinder example

Stackoverflow question and answer about using an event filter in Qt3DWindow: Mouse controls over Qt 3D Window

The mesh can be rotated and zoomed with the mouse.

A screenshot of the viewer

Any comments on how to improve this are welcome. Especially, I'm interested in how to write a shader program that can render front and back faces in different colors or render the colors per vertex.

And here's the code:

// ######### Opening the viewer ######### void MainWindow::import3dMeshInMeshViewer(QString name)  {     if (!m_viewer3D)     {         m_viewer3D = new Viewer3D(this);     }     m_viewer3D->sceneModifier()->addTriangleMeshCustomMaterial(name, m_meshVector);     m_viewer3D->show(); }  // #########  Viewer class h  ######### class Viewer3D : public QDialog {     Q_OBJECT      public:         Viewer3D(QWidget *parent = 0);         SceneModifier* sceneModifier() {return m_sceneModifier;}      protected:         bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev);         void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev);         void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev);         void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev);         void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *we);     private:          QPointer<Qt3DCore::QEntity> m_rootEntity;         QPointer<SceneModifier> m_sceneModifier;         Qt3DExtras::Qt3DWindow *m_view;         QPoint m_moveStartPoint;         QMatrix4x4 m_cameraMatrix; };   // ######### Viewer class cpp ######### Viewer3D::Viewer3D(QWidget *parent) :     QDialog(parent) {     setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);     m_moveStartPoint.setX(-1);      m_view = new Qt3DExtras::Qt3DWindow();      m_view->installEventFilter(this);      m_view->defaultFrameGraph()->setClearColor(QColor(QRgb(0x4d4d4f)));      QWidget *container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(m_view);     QSize screenSize = m_view->screen()->size();     container->setMinimumSize(QSize(200, 100));     container->setMaximumSize(screenSize);      QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);     QVBoxLayout *vLayout = new QVBoxLayout();     hLayout->addWidget(container, 1);      setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("Mesh Viewer"));      // Root entity     m_rootEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity();      // Scene modifier     m_sceneModifier = new SceneModifier(m_rootEntity);      // Window geometry     resize(parent->geometry().width() * 0.8, parent->geometry().height() * 0.8);     move(parent->geometry().center() - QPoint(width() / 2, height() / 2));      // Camera     Qt3DRender::QCamera *cameraEntity = m_view->camera();      //cameraEntity->lens()->setPerspectiveProjection(22.5f, m_view->width()/m_view->height(), 0.01f, 1000.0f);     cameraEntity->setPosition(QVector3D(0, 0, 500.0f));     cameraEntity->setUpVector(QVector3D(0, 1, 0));     cameraEntity->setViewCenter(QVector3D(0, 0, 0));     cameraEntity->transform()->setScale(1.f);      // Set root object of the scene     m_view->setRootEntity(m_rootEntity); }  bool Viewer3D::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev) {     if (ev->type() == QEvent::Wheel)     {         wheelEvent(dynamic_cast<QWheelEvent*>(ev));         return true;     }     else if (ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)     {         mousePressEvent(dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent*>(ev));         return true;     }     else if (ev->type() == QEvent::MouseMove)     {         mouseMoveEvent(dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent*>(ev));         return true;     }     else if (ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)     {         mouseReleaseEvent(dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent*>(ev));         return true;     }      return QObject::eventFilter(obj, ev); }  void Viewer3D::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *we) {     Qt3DCore::QTransform* transform = m_view->camera()->transform();      float scale = transform->scale();     QPoint delta = we->angleDelta();     float zoom_distance = scale * static_cast<float>(delta.y()) / 500.f;     scale -= zoom_distance;     scale = std::min(10.0000f, scale);     scale = std::max(0.001f, scale);     transform->setScale(scale); }  void Viewer3D::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) {     if (ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton)     {         m_moveStartPoint = ev->pos();         m_cameraMatrix = m_view->camera()->transform()->matrix();     } }  void Viewer3D::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) {     if (m_moveStartPoint.x() > -1)     {         QPoint delta = ev->pos() - m_moveStartPoint;         float angle = static_cast<float>(QPoint::dotProduct(delta, delta)) / 100.f;         QVector3D axis = QVector3D(delta.y(), delta.x(), 0);          QMatrix4x4 rotationMatrix = Qt3DCore::QTransform::rotateAround(-m_view->camera()->position(), angle, axis);          QMatrix4x4 matrix = rotationMatrix * m_cameraMatrix;         m_view->camera()->transform()->setMatrix(matrix);     } }  void Viewer3D::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) {     if (m_moveStartPoint.x() > -1)     {         m_moveStartPoint.setX(-1);         m_cameraMatrix = m_view->camera()->transform()->matrix();     } }   // #########  Scene modifier class h ######### class SceneModifier : public QObject {     Q_OBJECT      public:         SceneModifier(Qt3DCore::QEntity* rootEntity);         void addTriangleMeshCustomMaterial(QString name, const std::vector<Import3d::Triangle>& meshVector);      private:         Qt3DCore::QEntity* m_rootEntity; };  // #########  Scene modifier class cpp ######### #include "SceneModifier.h" #include "TriangleMeshRenderer.h" #include "MaterialWireFrame.h"  SceneModifier::SceneModifier(Qt3DCore::QEntity* rootEntity) :     m_rootEntity(rootEntity),     QObject(rootEntity) { }  void SceneModifier::addTriangleMeshCustomMaterial(QString name, const std::vector<Import3d::Triangle>& meshVector) {     if (!m_rootEntity)     {         return;     }      // Mesh entity     Qt3DCore::QEntity *triangleMeshEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity(m_rootEntity);     triangleMeshEntity->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("customMeshEntity"));      TriangleMeshRenderer *triangleMeshRenderer = new TriangleMeshRenderer(meshVector);     MaterialWireFrame* materialWireFrame = new MaterialWireFrame();     Qt3DCore::QTransform *transform = new Qt3DCore::QTransform;     transform->setScale(1.f);      triangleMeshEntity->addComponent(triangleMeshRenderer);     triangleMeshEntity->addComponent(transform);     triangleMeshEntity->addComponent(materialWireFrame);      //emit meshAdded(name, triangleMeshEntity); }  // ######### Point and Triangle structs ######### struct Point {     QVector3D p; //point x, y, z     QVector3D c; //color red, green, blue      Point() {}      Point(float xp, float yp, float zp)     {         p = QVector3D(xp, yp, zp);         c = QVector3D(0, 0, 0);     }     Point(QVector3D pos, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)     {         p = pos;         c = QVector3D(static_cast<float>(r) / 255.f,                       static_cast<float>(g) / 255.f,                       static_cast<float>(b) / 255.f);     } };  struct Triangle  {     Point vertices[3];      Triangle()     {     }      Triangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)     {         vertices[0] = p1;         vertices[1] = p2;         vertices[2] = p3;     }  };   // ######### TriangleMeshRenderer class h ######### class TriangleMeshRenderer : public Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer {     Q_OBJECT public:     explicit TriangleMeshRenderer(const std::vector<Import3d::Triangle>& meshVector, Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = 0);     ~TriangleMeshRenderer(); };   class TriangleMeshGeometry : public Qt3DRender::QGeometry {     Q_OBJECT public:     TriangleMeshGeometry(const std::vector<Import3d::Triangle>& meshVector, TriangleMeshRenderer *parent); };   // ######### TriangleMeshRenderer class cpp ######### TriangleMeshRenderer::TriangleMeshRenderer(const std::vector<Import3d::Triangle>& meshVector, QNode *parent)     : Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer(parent) {     setPrimitiveType(Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer::Triangles);     setGeometry(new TriangleMeshGeometry(meshVector, this)); }  TriangleMeshRenderer::~TriangleMeshRenderer() { }  TriangleMeshGeometry::TriangleMeshGeometry(const std::vector<Import3d::Triangle>& meshVector, TriangleMeshRenderer *parent)     : Qt3DRender::QGeometry(parent) {     Qt3DRender::QBuffer *vertexDataBuffer = new Qt3DRender::QBuffer(Qt3DRender::QBuffer::VertexBuffer, this);     Qt3DRender::QBuffer *indexDataBuffer = new Qt3DRender::QBuffer(Qt3DRender::QBuffer::IndexBuffer, this);      // Vertexbuffer     QByteArray vertexBufferData;     // Buffer size = triangle count * 3 * (3 + 3 + 3), 3 vertices per trinalge, each 3 floats for vertex position x,y,z, 3 floats normal and 3 floats color     int bytesPerVertex = 9 * sizeof(float);     int bytesPerTriangle = 3 * bytesPerVertex;     vertexBufferData.resize(static_cast<int>(meshVector.size()) * bytesPerTriangle);     char* pByte = vertexBufferData.data();     int i = 0;     // Indexbuffer     QByteArray indexBufferData;     indexBufferData.resize(static_cast<int>(meshVector.size()) * 3 * sizeof(uint));     uint* rawIndexArray = reinterpret_cast<uint*>(indexBufferData.data());     int idx = 0;      for (int n = 0; n < meshVector.size(); ++n)     {         QVector3D nt = QVector3D::normal(meshVector[n].vertices[0].p, meshVector[n].vertices[1].p, meshVector[n].vertices[2].p);           for (int v = 0; v < 3; ++v)         {             // Vertex             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = meshVector[n].vertices[v].p.x(); pByte += 4;             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = meshVector[n].vertices[v].p.y(); pByte += 4;             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = meshVector[n].vertices[v].p.z(); pByte += 4;             // Normal             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = nt.x(); pByte += 4;             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = nt.y(); pByte += 4;             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = nt.z(); pByte += 4;             // Color             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = meshVector[n].vertices[v].c.x(); pByte += 4;             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = meshVector[n].vertices[v].c.y(); pByte += 4;             *reinterpret_cast<float*>(pByte) = meshVector[n].vertices[v].c.z(); pByte += 4;              // Index             rawIndexArray[idx] = static_cast<uint>(idx++);         }     }      vertexDataBuffer->setData(vertexBufferData);     indexDataBuffer->setData(indexBufferData);      // Attributes     Qt3DRender::QAttribute *positionAttribute = new Qt3DRender::QAttribute();     positionAttribute->setAttributeType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::VertexAttribute);     positionAttribute->setBuffer(vertexDataBuffer);     positionAttribute->setDataType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::Float);     positionAttribute->setDataSize(3);     positionAttribute->setByteOffset(0);     positionAttribute->setByteStride(bytesPerVertex);     positionAttribute->setCount(3 * static_cast<int>(meshVector.size()));     positionAttribute->setName(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::defaultPositionAttributeName());      Qt3DRender::QAttribute *normalAttribute = new Qt3DRender::QAttribute();     normalAttribute->setAttributeType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::VertexAttribute);     normalAttribute->setBuffer(vertexDataBuffer);     normalAttribute->setDataType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::Float);     normalAttribute->setDataSize(3);     normalAttribute->setByteOffset(3 * sizeof(float));     normalAttribute->setByteStride(bytesPerVertex);     normalAttribute->setCount(3 * static_cast<int>(meshVector.size()));     normalAttribute->setName(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::defaultNormalAttributeName());      Qt3DRender::QAttribute *colorAttribute = new Qt3DRender::QAttribute();     colorAttribute->setAttributeType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::VertexAttribute);     colorAttribute->setBuffer(vertexDataBuffer);     colorAttribute->setDataType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::Float);     colorAttribute->setDataSize(3);     colorAttribute->setByteOffset(6 * sizeof(float));     colorAttribute->setByteStride(bytesPerVertex);     colorAttribute->setCount(3 * static_cast<int>(meshVector.size()));     colorAttribute->setName(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::defaultColorAttributeName());      Qt3DRender::QAttribute *indexAttribute = new Qt3DRender::QAttribute();     indexAttribute->setAttributeType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::IndexAttribute);     indexAttribute->setBuffer(indexDataBuffer);     indexAttribute->setDataType(Qt3DRender::QAttribute::UnsignedInt);     indexAttribute->setDataSize(1);     indexAttribute->setByteOffset(0);     indexAttribute->setByteStride(0);     indexAttribute->setCount(3 * static_cast<int>(meshVector.size()));      addAttribute(positionAttribute);     addAttribute(normalAttribute);     addAttribute(colorAttribute);     addAttribute(indexAttribute);      parent->setGeometry(this); } 
like image 242
Hans Avatar asked Aug 01 '17 09:08


1 Answers

The OP is interested on write a shader program, so its necessary to write OpenGL in Qt, right? Like in https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtgui-openglwindow-example.html and https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtopengl-hellogl2-example.htm.

There is a simple shader example on https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qopenglshaderprogram.html

program.addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Vertex,     "attribute highp vec4 vertex;\n"     "uniform highp mat4 matrix;\n"     "void main(void)\n"     "{\n"     "   gl_Position = matrix * vertex;\n"     "}"); program.addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Fragment,     "uniform mediump vec4 color;\n"     "void main(void)\n"     "{\n"     "   gl_FragColor = color;\n"     "}"); 

From https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Hello-Triangle

To draw your triangles in wireframe mode, you can configure how OpenGL draws its primitives via glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE). The first argument says we want to apply it to the front and back of all triangles and the second line tells us to draw them as lines. Any subsequent drawing calls will render the triangles in wireframe mode until we set it back to its default using glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL).

And from https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-GLSL

The gl_FrontFacing variable tells us if the current fragment is part of a front-facing or a back-facing face. We could, for example, decide to output different colors for all back faces.

like image 73
KcFnMi Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09
