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Ever done a total rewrite of a large C++ application in C#? [closed]





I know Joel says to never do it, and I agree with this in most cases. I do think there are cases where it is justified.

We have a large C++ application (around 250,000 total lines of code) that uses a MFC front end and a Windows service as the core components. We are thinking about moving the project to C#.

The reasons we are thinking about rewriting are:

  1. Faster development time
  2. Use of WCF and other .NET built-in features
  3. More consistent operation on various systems
  4. Easier 64 bit support
  5. Many nice .NET libraries and components out there

Has anyone done a rewrite like this? Was it successful?


The project is almost 10 years old now, and we are getting to the point that adding new features we want would be writing significant functionality that .NET already has built-in.

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TWA Avatar asked Jun 10 '09 17:06


4 Answers

Have you thought about instead of re writing from scratch you should start to separate out the GUI and back end layer if it is not already, then you can start to write pieces of it in C#.

the 250,000 lines were not written overnight they contains hundreds of thousands of man years of effort, so nobody sane enough would suggest to rewrite it all from scratch all at once.

The best approach if you guys are intend on doing it is piece by piece. otherwise ask for several years of development effort from your management while no new features are implemented in your existing product (basically stagnating in front of competition)

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AppDeveloper Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10


My company actually did that. We had a C++ code base of roughly that size, and everybody (programmers, management, customers) more or less agreed that it wasn't the best piece of software. We wanted some features that would have been extremely hard to implement in the old code base, so we decided (after many discussions and test projects) to rewrite it in .NET. We reused the code that was modular enough using C++/CLI (about 20% of it - mostly performance-critical number-crunching stuff that should have been written in C++ anyway), but the rest was re-written from scratch. It took about 2 man-years, but that number really depends a lot on the kind of application, the size of your team and on your programmers, of course. I would consider the whole thing a success: We were able to re-architect the whole system to enable new features that would have been near-impossible with the old code base. We also could avoid problems we often had in the old software by re-designing around them. Also, the new system is much more flexible and modular in the places where we learned that flexibility was needed. (Actually I'm sometimes surprised at how easily new features can be incorporated into the new system even though we never though of them when we designed it.)

So in a nutshell: For a medium-sized project (100k-500kloc) a rewrite is an option, but you should definitely be aware of the price and risk your taking. I would only do it if the old codebase is really low-quality and resists refactoring.

Also, there's two mistakes you shouldn't do:

  1. Hire a new .NET programmer and let him/her do the rewrite - someone new can help, but most of the work and especially the design has to be done by developers who have enough experience with the old code, so they have a solid understanding of the requirements. Otherwise, you'll just repeat your old mistakes (plus a couple of new ones) in a different language.
  2. Let a C++ programmer do the rewrite as their first C# project. That's a recipe for disaster, for obvious reasons. When you tackle a project of that size, you must have a solid understanding of the framework you're using.

(I think these two mistakes might reasons why so many rewrites fail.)

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Niki Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10


Its been tried before, not only C++ => C#, but VB6 => VB.NET, C++ => Java and any other old => new that you can think of. it never really worked. I think that because ppl don't consider that transformation for what it really is (a total rewrite) they tend to take it lightly.

The migration story from C++ => .NET should be thru CLI, carefully deciding what managed and whats remains unmanaged and s-l-o-w-l-y "fixing" piece by piece.

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Shay Erlichmen Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Shay Erlichmen

Expression Blend was originally an MFC app. The current version uses WPF for the UI but the engine is still all native. I saw a great talk by principal architect Henry Sowizral about a year ago where he described the process of the migration. Make the engine UI agnostic and you will be able to support whatever the latest UI technology is. The Expression team at one point had what he referred to as the hydra-headed version. Two front-end UIs running simultaneously with one underlying engine - in this way they could see where behavior had unintentionally deviated from the previous version. Since the UI subscribed to events and notifications, changes made in a WPF toolwindow were reflected in the old MFC toolwindow.

EDIT: Looks like some powerpoints are available here or as html here.

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sean e Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

sean e