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Pythonic way to convert list of dicts into list of namedtuples

I have a list of dict. Need to convert it to list of namedtuple(preferred) or simple tuple while to split first variable by whitespace.

What is more pythonic way to do it?

I simplified my code a little. Comprehensions, gen expressions and itertools usage welcomed.


dl = [{'a': '1 2 3',
       'd': '*',
       'n': 'first'},
      {'a': '4 5',
       'd': '*', 'n':
      {'a': '6',
       'd': '*',
       'n': 'third'},
      {'a': '7 8 9 10',
       'd': '*',
       'n': 'forth'}]

Simple algorithm:

from collections import namedtuple

some = namedtuple('some', ['a', 'd', 'n'])

items = []
for m in dl:
    a, d, n = m.values()
    a = a.split()
    items.append(some(a, d, n))


[some(a=['1', '2', '3'], d='*', n='first'),
 some(a=['4', '5'], d='*', n='second'),
 some(a=['6'], d='*', n='third'),
 some(a=['7', '8', '9', '10'], d='*', n='forth')]
like image 990
scraplesh Avatar asked Oct 20 '11 07:10


People also ask

How do you convert a dictionary to a list tuple?

Use the items() Function to Convert a Dictionary to a List of Tuples in Python. The items() function returns a view object with the dictionary's key-value pairs as tuples in a list. We can use it with the list() function to get the final result as a list.

How do I convert a dictionary to a list?

Python's dictionary class has three methods for this purpose. The methods items(), keys() and values() return view objects comprising of tuple of key-value pairs, keys only and values only respectively. The in-built list method converts these view objects in list objects.

1 Answers

Below, @Petr Viktorin points out the problem with my original answer and your initial solution:

WARNING! The values() of a dictionary are not in any particular order! If this solution works, and a, d, n are really returned in that order, it's just a coincidence. If you use a different version of Python or create the dicts in a different way, it might break.

(I'm kind of mortified I didn't pick this up in the first place, and got 45 rep for it!)

Use @eryksun's suggestion instead:

items =  [some(m['a'].split(), m['d'], m['n']) for m in dl]

My original, incorrect answer. Don't use it unless you have a list of OrderedDict.

items =  [some(a.split(), d, n) for a,d,n in (m.values() for m in dl)]
like image 112
4 revs Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11

4 revs