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Python unittest - opposite of assertRaises?

I want to write a test to establish that an Exception is not raised in a given circumstance.

It's straightforward to test if an Exception is raised ...

sInvalidPath=AlwaysSuppliesAnInvalidPath() self.assertRaises(PathIsNotAValidOne, MyObject, sInvalidPath)  

... but how can you do the opposite.

Something like this i what I'm after ...

sValidPath=AlwaysSuppliesAValidPath() self.assertNotRaises(PathIsNotAValidOne, MyObject, sValidPath)  
like image 811
glaucon Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 23:11


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2 Answers

def run_test(self):     try:         myFunc()     except ExceptionType:         self.fail("myFunc() raised ExceptionType unexpectedly!") 
like image 190
DGH Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09


Hi - I want to write a test to establish that an Exception is not raised in a given circumstance.

That's the default assumption -- exceptions are not raised.

If you say nothing else, that's assumed in every single test.

You don't have to actually write an any assertion for that.

like image 39
S.Lott Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
