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Python - slice array until certain condition is met

I need to slice an array from a given index until a certain condition is met.

>>> a = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='|S1')
>>> a[2] = 'A'
>>> a[4] = 'X'
>>> a[8] = 'B'
>>> a
array(['', '', 'A', '', 'X', '', '', '', 'B', ''], dtype='|S1')

For instance, for the above array I want a subset from a given index until first non-zero values in both directions. For example, for index values 2, 4, 8 the results would be:

['', '', A, '']      # 2
['', X, '', '', '']  # 4
['', '', '', B, '']  # 8

Any suggestions on the simplest way to do this using the numpy API? Learning python and numpy, would appreciate any help. Thanks!

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armandino Avatar asked Mar 07 '11 05:03


People also ask

Can array be sliced in Python?

Slicing arraysSlicing in python means taking elements from one given index to another given index. We pass slice instead of index like this: [start:end] . We can also define the step, like this: [start:end:step] .

Is slice operation allowed in array?

The slice() method returns selected elements in an array, as a new array. The slice() method selects from a given start, up to a (not inclusive) given end. The slice() method does not change the original array.

Is array slice fast?

The ArraySlice type makes it fast and efficient for you to perform operations on sections of a larger array.

What is the use of slice () method?

The slice() method returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array into a new array object selected from start to end ( end not included) where start and end represent the index of items in that array.

3 Answers

If you set up your problem like this:

import numpy
a = numpy.zeros((10), dtype=str)
a[2] = 'A'
a[4] = 'X'
a[8] = 'B'

You can easily get the indices of non-empty strings like so:

i = numpy.where(a!='')[0]  # array([2, 4, 8])

Alternatively, numpy.argwhere(..) also works well.

Then you can slice away using this array:

out2 = a[:i[1]]        # 2   ['' '' 'A' '']
out4 = a[i[0]+1:i[2]]  # 4   ['' 'X' '' '' '']


like image 58
Paul Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10


this is a work for masked arrays, numpy.ma has lots of functions for working with subsets.

a = np.zeros((10), dtype=str)
a[2] = 'A'
a[4] = 'X'
a[8] = 'B'

let's mask out not empty elements:

am=np.ma.masked_where(a!='', a)

np.ma.notmasked_contiguous goes through the array (very efficiently) and finds all the slices of contiguous elements where the array is not masked:

slices = np.ma.notmasked_contiguous(am)
[slice(0, 1, None), slice(3, 3, None), slice(5, 7, None), slice(9, 9, None)]

so, the array is continuously empty between element 5 and 7 for example. Now you only have to join the slices you are interested in, first you get the starting index of each slice:

slices_start = np.array([s.start for s in slices])

then you get the location of the index you are looking for:

slices_start.searchsorted(4) #4
Out: 2

So you want slice 1 and 2: a[slices[1].start:slices[2].stop+1] array(['', 'X', '', '', ''], dtype='|S1')

or let's try 8:

i = slices_start.searchsorted(8)
Out: array(['', '', '', 'B', ''], 

If should probably play a bit with this in ipython for understanding it better.

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Andrea Zonca Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10

Andrea Zonca

Note that this could be cleanly done in pure python using itertools and functools.

import functools, itertools
arr = ['', '', 'A', '', 'X', '', '', '', 'B', '']

f = functools.partial(itertools.takewhile, lambda x: not x)
def g(a, i):
    return itertools.chain(f(reversed(a[:i])), [a[i]], f(a[i+1:]))

We define f as the sub-iterator found by looking until the element evaluates as true, and g as the combination of applying this on the reversed area of the list before the index and the list after the index.

This returns generators which can be casted to lists that contain our results.

>>> list(g(arr, 2))
['', '', 'A', '']
>>> list(g(arr, 4))
['', 'X', '', '', '']
>>> list(g(arr, 8))
['', '', '', 'B', '']
like image 2
dagoof Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10
