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Python requests library how to pass Authorization header with single token

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How do I pass the Authorization header in Python?

To achieve this authentication, typically one provides authentication data through Authorization header or a custom header defined by server. Replace “user” and “pass” with your username and password. It will authenticate the request and return a response 200 or else it will return error 403.

How do you pass the Bearer Token in the header in GET request?

Bearer tokens enable requests to authenticate using an access key, such as a JSON Web Token (JWT). The token is a text string, included in the request header. In the request Authorization tab, select Bearer Token from the Type dropdown list. In the Token field, enter your API key value.

How do I submit auth token in header?

To send a request with the Bearer Token authorization header, you need to make an HTTP request and provide your Bearer Token with the "Authorization: Bearer {token}" header. A Bearer Token is a cryptic string typically generated by the server in response to a login request.

In python:


is equivalent to


And requests interprets

('TOK', '<MY_TOKEN>')

As you wanting requests to use Basic Authentication and craft an authorization header like so:


Which is the base64 representation of 'TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'

To pass your own header you pass in a dictionary like so:

r = requests.get('<MY_URI>', headers={'Authorization': 'TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'})

I was looking for something similar and came across this. It looks like in the first option you mentioned

r = requests.get('<MY_URI>', auth=('<MY_TOKEN>'))

"auth" takes two parameters: username and password, so the actual statement should be

r=requests.get('<MY_URI>', auth=('<YOUR_USERNAME>', '<YOUR_PASSWORD>'))

In my case, there was no password, so I left the second parameter in auth field empty as shown below:

r=requests.get('<MY_URI', auth=('MY_USERNAME', ''))

Hope this helps somebody :)

This worked for me:

access_token = #yourAccessTokenHere#

result = requests.post(url,
               'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)})

You can also set headers for the entire session:

TOKEN = 'abcd0123'
HEADERS = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(TOKEN)}

with requests.Session() as s:

    resp = s.get('http://example.com/')