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Python Programming: Multiline Comments before an Else statement

I was working with simple if-else statements in Python when a syntax error came up with the following code.

A multi-line comment in Python
if a==b:
    print "Hello World!"

Another multi-line comment in Python
    print "Good Morning!"

This code gives a syntax error at the "else" keyword.

The following code however does not:

A multi-line comment in Python
if a==b:
    print "Hello World!"

#One single line comment
#Another single line comment
    print "Good Morning!"

Could anyone tell me why this happens? Why does the Python interpreter not allow multi-line comments between if-else statements?

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ashishbaghudana Avatar asked Dec 25 '22 23:12


1 Answers

You're using multiline strings in your code. So you're basically writing

if a==b:
    print "Hello World!"

"A string"
    print "Good Morning!"

Although Guido Van Rossum (the creator of Python) suggested to use multiline strings as comments, PEP8 recommends to use multiple single line comments as block.

See: http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#block-comments

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Railslide Avatar answered May 12 '23 04:05
