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Convert daily pandas stock data to monthly data using first trade day of the month





I have a set of calculated OHLCVA daily securities data in a pandas dataframe like this:

>>> type(data_dy)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
>>> data_dy
              Open    High     Low   Close     Volume  Adj Close
2012-12-28  140.64  141.42  139.87  140.03  148806700     134.63
2012-12-31  139.66  142.56  139.54  142.41  243935200     136.92
2013-01-02  145.11  146.15  144.73  146.06  192059000     140.43
2013-01-03  145.99  146.37  145.34  145.73  144761800     140.11
2013-01-04  145.97  146.61  145.67  146.37  116817700     140.72

[5 rows x 6 columns]

I'm using the following dictionary and the pandas resample function to convert the dataframe to monthly data:

>>> ohlc_dict = {'Open':'first','High':'max','Low':'min','Close': 'last','Volume': 'sum','Adj Close': 'last'}

>>> data_dy.resample('M', how=ohlc_dict, closed='right', label='right')
               Volume  Adj Close    High     Low   Close    Open
2012-12-31  392741900     136.92  142.56  139.54  142.41  140.64
2013-01-31  453638500     140.72  146.61  144.73  146.37  145.11

[2 rows x 6 columns]

This does the calculations correctly, but I'd like to use the Yahoo! date convention for monthly data of using the first trading day of the period rather than the last calendar day of the period that pandas uses.

So I'd like the answer set to be:

               Volume  Adj Close    High     Low   Close    Open
2012-12-28  392741900     136.92  142.56  139.54  142.41  140.64
2013-01-02  453638500     140.72  146.61  144.73  146.37  145.11

I could do this by converting the daily data to a python list, process the data and return the data to a dataframe, but how do can this be done with pandas?

like image 347
user2766344 Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 23:12


2 Answers

Instead of M you can pass MS as the resample rule:

df =pd.DataFrame( range(72), index = pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=72, freq='D'))

#df.resample('MS', how = 'mean')    # pandas <0.18
df.resample('MS').mean()  # pandas >= 0.18

Updated to use the first business day of the month respecting US Federal Holidays:

df =pd.DataFrame( range(200), index = pd.date_range('12/1/2012', periods=200, freq='D'))

from pandas.tseries.offsets import CustomBusinessMonthBegin
from pandas.tseries.holiday import USFederalHolidayCalendar
bmth_us = CustomBusinessMonthBegin(calendar=USFederalHolidayCalendar())


if you want custom starts of the month using the min month found in the data try this. (It isn't pretty, but it should work).

month_index =df.index.to_period('M')

min_day_in_month_index = pd.to_datetime(df.set_index(new_index, append=True).reset_index(level=0).groupby(level=0)['level_0'].min())

custom_month_starts =CustomBusinessMonthBegin(calendar = min_day_in_month_index)

Pass custom_start_months to the fist parameter of resample

like image 118
JAB Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 03:02


Thank you J Bradley, your solution worked perfectly. I did have to upgrade my version of pandas from their official website though as the version installed via pip did not have CustomBusinessMonthBegin in pandas.tseries.offsets. My final code was:

#----- imports -----
import pandas as pd
from pandas.tseries.offsets import CustomBusinessMonthBegin
import pandas.io.data as web
#----- get sample data -----
df = web.get_data_yahoo('SPY', '2012-12-01', '2013-12-31')
#----- build custom calendar -----
month_index =df.index.to_period('M')
min_day_in_month_index = pd.to_datetime(df.set_index(month_index, append=True).reset_index(level=0).groupby(level=0)['Open'].min())
custom_month_starts = CustomBusinessMonthBegin(calendar = min_day_in_month_index)
#----- convert daily data to monthly data -----
ohlc_dict = {'Open':'first','High':'max','Low':'min','Close': 'last','Volume': 'sum','Adj Close': 'last'}
mthly_ohlcva = df.resample(custom_month_starts, how=ohlc_dict)

This yielded the following:

>>> mthly_ohlcva
                Volume  Adj Close    High     Low   Close    Open
2012-12-03  2889875900     136.92  145.58  139.54  142.41  142.80
2013-01-01  2587140200     143.92  150.94  144.73  149.70  145.11
2013-02-01  2581459300     145.76  153.28  148.73  151.61  150.65
2013-03-01  2330972300     151.30  156.85  150.41  156.67  151.09
2013-04-01  2907035000     154.20  159.72  153.55  159.68  156.59
2013-05-01  2781596000     157.84  169.07  158.10  163.45  159.33
2013-06-03  3533321800     155.74  165.99  155.73  160.42  163.83
2013-07-01  2330904500     163.78  169.86  160.22  168.71  161.26
2013-08-01  2283131700     158.87  170.97  163.05  163.65  169.99
2013-09-02  2226749600     163.90  173.60  163.70  168.01  165.23
2013-10-01  2901739000     171.49  177.51  164.53  175.79  168.14
2013-11-01  1930952900     176.57  181.75  174.76  181.00  176.02
2013-12-02  2232775900     181.15  184.69  177.32  184.69  181.09
like image 33
user2766344 Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 04:02
