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Python - is there any way to organize a group of yields in sub function to yield outside the main function?

I have a newbie question for python gurus.

I have function A that hold a lot of repeated yield-actions like so:

yield a
yield b
yield c

so it looks like:

def funA():
   yield a
   yield b
   yield c
   yield a
   yield b
   yield c
   yield a
   yield b
   yield c

Is there any way to put all repeated yields in function and do something like that?:

def funA():
   yield funB()
   yield funB()
   yield funB()


yield a
yield b
yield c

It's just an example but in a real application its more complex sequence of yields that repeat more then once in main generator (so it's not question about organizing yields) but about sub-generators. So I'd like to avoid code duplication.

like image 657
Eugene Krevenets Avatar asked Nov 22 '13 21:11

Eugene Krevenets

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The yield keyword, unlike the return statement, is used to turn a regular Python function in to a generator. This is used as an alternative to returning an entire list at once. This will be again explained with the help of some simple examples.

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Summary: The yield keyword in python works like a return with the only difference is that instead of returning a value, it gives back a generator function to the caller.

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2 Answers

If you're using the latest and greatest python (>= 3.3), there's the yield from construct.

yield from funB()

It does exactly what you want: you can invoke a function as a sub-generator, and yield back everything it yields to you.

If you're using an earlier version of python, then I'm afraid you'll have to do it manually:

for x in funB(): yield x

If you have a dynamic set of sub-generators, you can do this:

funs = [funA, funB, funC]

for fun in funs:
    for item in fun():
        yield item
like image 68
slezica Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10


itertools.chain is the function you're looking for

import itertools

def funA():
    for x in range(10):
        yield x

def funB():
    for x in range(10,20):
        yield x

def funC():
    for x in range(20,30):
        yield x

def funs():
    for x in itertools.chain(funA(), funB(), funC()):
        yield x

print [x for x in funs()]


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]
like image 3
Rebs Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
