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Handling extra newlines (carriage returns) in csv files parsed with Python?

I have a CSV file that has fields that contain newlines e.g.:

A, B, C, D, E, F
123, 456, tree
, very, bla, indigo

(In this case third field in the second row is "tree\n"

I tried the following:

import csv
catalog = csv.reader(open('test.csv', 'rU'), delimiter=",", dialect=csv.excel_tab)
for row in catalog:
    print "Length: ", len(row), row

and the result I got was this:

Length:  6 ['A', ' B', ' C', ' D', ' E', ' F']
Length:  3 ['123', ' 456', ' tree']
Length:  4 ['   ', ' very', ' bla', ' indigo']

Does anyone have any idea how I can quickly remove extraneous newlines?


like image 701
mo5470 Avatar asked Jun 21 '12 20:06


1 Answers

Suppose you have this Excel spreadsheet:

Common 'gottchas' in an Excel file


  1. the multi-line cell in C2;
  2. embedded comma in C1 and D3;
  3. blank cells, and cell with a space in D4.

Saving that as CSV in Excel, you will get this csv file:

,B2,"line 1
line 2",D2
,,,D4 space

Assumably, you will want to read that into Python with the blank cells still having meaning and the embedded comma treated correctly.

So, this:

with open("test.csv", 'rU') as csvIN:
    outCSV=(line for line in csv.reader(csvIN, dialect='excel'))

    for row in outCSV:
        print("Length: ", len(row), row) 

correctly produces the 4x4 List of List matrix represented in Excel:

Length:  4 ['A1', 'B1', 'C1,+comma', 'D1']
Length:  4 ['', 'B2', 'line 1\nline 2', 'D2']
Length:  4 ['', '', 'C3', 'D3,+comma']
Length:  4 ['', '', '', 'D4 space']

The example CSV file you posted lacks quotes around the field with an 'extra newline' rendering the meaning of that newline ambiguous. Is it a new row or a multi-line field?

Therefor, you can only interpret this csv file:

A, B, C, D, E, F
123, 456, tree
, very, bla, indigo

as a one dimension list like so:

with open("test.csv", 'rU') as csvIN:
   outCSV=[field.strip() for row in csv.reader(csvIN, delimiter=',') 
              for field in row if field]

Which produces this one dimensional list:

['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', '123', '456', 'tree', 'very', 'bla', 'indigo']

This can then be interpreted and regrouped into any sub grouping as you wish.

The idiomatic regrouping method in python uses zip like so:

>>> zip(*[iter(outCSV)]*6)
[('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'), ('123', '456', 'tree', 'very', 'bla', 'indigo')]

Or, if you want a list of lists, this is also idiomatic:

>>> [outCSV[i:i+6] for i in range(0, len(outCSV),6)]
[['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'], ['123', '456', 'tree', 'very', 'bla', 'indigo']]

If you can change how your CSV file is created, it will be less ambiguous to interpret.

like image 116
the wolf Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

the wolf