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Python import coding style

I've discovered a new pattern. Is this pattern well known or what is the opinion about it?

Basically, I have a hard time scrubbing up and down source files to figure out what module imports are available and so forth, so now, instead of

import foo from bar.baz import quux  def myFunction():     foo.this.that(quux) 

I move all my imports into the function where they're actually used., like this:

def myFunction():     import foo     from bar.baz import quux      foo.this.that(quux) 

This does a few things. First, I rarely accidentally pollute my modules with the contents of other modules. I could set the __all__ variable for the module, but then I'd have to update it as the module evolves, and that doesn't help the namespace pollution for code that actually lives in the module.

Second, I rarely end up with a litany of imports at the top of my modules, half or more of which I no longer need because I've refactored it. Finally, I find this pattern MUCH easier to read, since every referenced name is right there in the function body.

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TokenMacGuy Avatar asked Jan 25 '09 03:01


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PEP 8, sometimes spelled PEP8 or PEP-8, is a document that provides guidelines and best practices on how to write Python code. It was written in 2001 by Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan. The primary focus of PEP 8 is to improve the readability and consistency of Python code.

What is __ import __ in Python?

__import__() Parameters name - the name of the module you want to import. globals and locals - determines how to interpret name. fromlist - objects or submodules that should be imported by name. level - specifies whether to use absolute or relative imports.

1 Answers

The (previously) top-voted answer to this question is nicely formatted but absolutely wrong about performance. Let me demonstrate


Top Import

import random  def f():     L = []     for i in xrange(1000):         L.append(random.random())   for i in xrange(1000):     f()  $ time python import.py  real        0m0.721s user        0m0.412s sys         0m0.020s 

Import in Function Body

def f():     import random     L = []     for i in xrange(1000):         L.append(random.random())  for i in xrange(1000):     f()  $ time python import2.py  real        0m0.661s user        0m0.404s sys         0m0.008s 

As you can see, it can be more efficient to import the module in the function. The reason for this is simple. It moves the reference from a global reference to a local reference. This means that, for CPython at least, the compiler will emit LOAD_FAST instructions instead of LOAD_GLOBAL instructions. These are, as the name implies, faster. The other answerer artificially inflated the performance hit of looking in sys.modules by importing on every single iteration of the loop.

As a rule, it's best to import at the top but performance is not the reason if you are accessing the module a lot of times. The reasons are that one can keep track of what a module depends on more easily and that doing so is consistent with most of the rest of the Python universe.

like image 123
aaronasterling Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09
