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Python HTTP HEAD - dealing with redirects properly?

I can use urllib2 to make HEAD requests like so:

import urllib2
request = urllib2.Request('http://example.com')
request.get_method = lambda: 'HEAD'

The problem is that it appears that when this follows redirects, it uses GET instead of HEAD.

The purpose of this HEAD request is to check the size and content type of the URL I'm about to download so that I can ensure that I don't download some huge document. (The URL is supplied by a random internet user through IRC).

How could I make it use HEAD requests when following redirects?

like image 297
Krenair Avatar asked Apr 01 '12 19:04


People also ask

How do you get a redirected URL in Python?

request module. Define a web page URL, suppose this URL will be redirected when you send a request to it. Get the response object. Get the webserver returned response status code, if the code is 301 then it means the URL has been redirected permanently.

What is Allow_redirects?

So if allow_redirects is True , the redirects have been followed and the final response returned is the final page after following redirects. If allow_redirects is False , the first response is returned, even if it is a redirect. Follow this answer to receive notifications.

2 Answers

You can do this with the requests library:

>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.head('http://github.com', allow_redirects=True)
>>> r
<Response [200]>
>>> r.history
[<Response [301]>]
>>> r.url
like image 88
jterrace Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


Good question! If you're set on using urllib2, you'll want to look at this answer about the construction of your own redirect handler.

In short (read: blatantly stolen from the previous answer):

import urllib2

#redirect_handler = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler()

class MyHTTPRedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler):
    def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
        print "Cookie Manip Right Here"
        return urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)

    http_error_301 = http_error_303 = http_error_307 = http_error_302

cookieprocessor = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor()

opener = urllib2.build_opener(MyHTTPRedirectHandler, cookieprocessor)

response =urllib2.urlopen("WHEREEVER")
print response.read()

print cookieprocessor.cookiejar

Also, as mentioned in the errata, you can use Python Requests.

like image 20
MrGomez Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
