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Python alternative to Java applet?

Is there an alternative to making educational Java applets for physics simulations like projectile motion, gravity, etc?

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hershey92 Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 10:01


People also ask

What can I use instead of Java applet?

Replace the Java applet with a web application written in a programming language with broad browser support. Transition the web-based applet into a full Java Web Start web-launched desktop application.

What is a Python applet?

An applet is a panel (java. awt. Panel), and, as we learned earlier, a panel is also a component. >>> applet.class.superclass <jclass java.awt.Panel at -731859681> So, if an applet is a panel, and a panel is a component, an applet is also a component (and thus a component container).

Are Java applets outdated?

Java applets were deprecated by Java 9 in 2017. Java applets were usually written in Java, but other languages such as Jython, JRuby, Pascal, Scala, NetRexx, or Eiffel (via SmartEiffel) could be used as well. Java applets run at very fast speeds and until 2011, they were many times faster than JavaScript.

Why applet is not used now?

Applets are a technology that are very much of their time, and they have not aged well. The technology proved to be very difficult to evolve, and so applets have not been considered to be a modern development platform for many years now.

2 Answers

If you want it to run in a browser, you could use PyJamas - which is a Python-to-Javascript compiler and set of tools.

I'm not sure how well it is maintained these days, though.

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Eli Bendersky Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09

Eli Bendersky

In this day and age, you might look to the HTML 5 canvas & JS.

like image 44
Andrew Thompson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Andrew Thompson