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Python html parsing that actually works

I'm trying to parse some html in Python. There were some methods that actually worked before... but nowadays there's nothing I can actually use without workarounds.

  • beautifulsoup has problems after SGMLParser went away
  • html5lib cannot parse half of what's "out there"
  • lxml is trying to be "too correct" for typical html (attributes and tags cannot contain unknown namespaces, or an exception is thrown, which means almost no page with Facebook connect can be parsed)

What other options are there these days? (if they support xpath, that would be great)

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viraptor Avatar asked Nov 06 '10 19:11


People also ask

Which Python package can you use to parse HTML?

Beautiful Soup (bs4) is a Python library that is used to parse information out of HTML or XML files. It parses its input into an object on which you can run a variety of searches. To start parsing an HTML file, import the Beautiful Soup library and create a Beautiful Soup object as shown in the following code example.

Which parser creates valid html5 pages in Python?

html5lib: A pure-python library for parsing HTML. It is designed to conform to the WHATWG HTML specification, as is implemented by all major web browsers.

2 Answers

Make sure that you use the html module when you parse HTML with lxml:

>>> from lxml import html
>>> doc = """<html>
... <head>
...   <title> Meh
... </head>
... <body>
... Look at this interesting use of <p>
... rather than using <br /> tags as line breaks <p>
... </body>"""
>>> html.document_fromstring(doc)
<Element html at ...>

All the errors & exceptions will melt away, you'll be left with an amazingly fast parser that often deals with HTML soup better than BeautifulSoup.

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Tim McNamara Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Tim McNamara

I've used pyparsing for a number of HTML page scraping projects. It is a sort of middle-ground between BeautifulSoup and the full HTML parsers on one end, and the too-low-level approach of regular expressions (that way lies madness).

With pyparsing, you can often get good HTML scraping results by identifying the specific subset of the page or data that you are trying to extract. This approach avoids the issues of trying to parse everything on the page, since some problematic HTML outside of your region of interest could throw off a comprehensive HTML parser.

While this sounds like just a glorified regex approach, pyparsing offers builtins for working with HTML- or XML-tagged text. Pyparsing avoids many of the pitfalls that frustrate the regex-based solutions:

  • accepts whitespace without littering '\s*' all over your expression
  • handles unexpected attributes within tags
  • handles attributes in any order
  • handles upper/lower case in tags
  • handles attribute names with namespaces
  • handles attribute values in double quotes, single quotes, or no quotes
  • handles empty tags (those of the form <blah />)
  • returns parsed tag data with object-attribute access to tag attributes

Here's a simple example from the pyparsing wiki that gets <a href=xxx> tags from a web page:

from pyparsing import makeHTMLTags, SkipTo

# read HTML from a web page
page = urllib.urlopen( "http://www.yahoo.com" )
htmlText = page.read()

# define pyparsing expression to search for within HTML    
anchorStart,anchorEnd = makeHTMLTags("a")
anchor = anchorStart + SkipTo(anchorEnd).setResultsName("body") + anchorEnd

for tokens,start,end in anchor.scanString(htmlText):
    print tokens.body,'->',tokens.href

This will pull out the <a> tags, even if there are other portions of the page containing problematic HTML. There are other HTML examples at the pyparsing wiki:

  • http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/file/view/makeHTMLTagExample.py
  • http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/file/view/getNTPserversNew.py
  • http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/file/view/htmlStripper.py
  • http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/file/view/withAttribute.py

Pyparsing is not a total foolproof solution to this problem, but by exposing the parsing process to you, you can better control which pieces of the HTML you are specifically interested in, process them, and skip the rest.

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PaulMcG Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
