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Method to peek at a Python program running right now

Is it possible to find any information about what a Python program running right now is doing without interrupting it?

Also, if it isn't possible, is there anyway to crash a running Python program so that I can at least get a stacktrace (using PyDev on Ubuntu)?

I know I should have used logs or run it in debug mode or inserted a statement to run the debugger...

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  • Getting stack trace from a running Python program - Very similar, but more general, this question was intended to be about debugging a Python program that is running right now.
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Casebash Avatar asked Oct 28 '09 13:10


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2 Answers

If you place

import code

at any point in your script, python will instantiate a python shell at exactly that point that has access to everything in the state of the script at that point. ^D exits the shell and resumes execution past that point.

You can even modify the state at that point from the shell, call functions, etc.

like image 168
ʞɔıu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09


If you have a running Python, which wasn't built with any sort of trace or logging mechanism, and you want to see what it's doing internally, then two options are:

  • On a Solaris or Mac, if you are using the system-provided Python then use dtrace

  • use gdb to attach to a running Python process,

like image 21
Andrew Dalke Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Andrew Dalke