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KeyError when loading pickled scikit-learn model using joblib

I have an object that contains within it two scikit-learn models, an IsolationForest and a RandomForestClassifier, that I would like to pickle and later unpickle and use to produce predictions. Apart from the two models, the object contains a couple of StandardScalers and a couple of Python lists.

Pickling this object using joblib is unproblematic, but when I try to unpickle it later I get the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
 File "/home/(...)/python3.5/site-packages/joblib/numpy_pickle.py", line 578, in load
   obj = _unpickle(fobj, filename, mmap_mode)
 File "/home/(...)/python3.5/site-packages/joblib/numpy_pickle.py", line 508, in _unpickle
   obj = unpickler.load()
 File "/usr/lib/python3.5/pickle.py", line 1039, in load
KeyError: 0

The same application both pickles and unpickles the object, so the versions of scikit-learn, joblib and other libraries are the same. I'm not sure where to start debugging, given the vague error. Any ideas or pointers?

like image 662
haroba Avatar asked Feb 23 '18 12:02


3 Answers

The solution to this was pretty banal: Without being aware of it I was using the version of joblib in sklearn.externals.joblib for the pickling, but a newer version of joblib for unpickling the object. The problem was resolved when I used the newer version of joblib for both tasks.

like image 50
haroba Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11


With me, happened that I exported the model using from sklearn.externals import joblib and tried to load using import joblib.

like image 34
Marcos Paulo Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

Marcos Paulo

Mine was interesting. I was working with git-lfs and thus the files had been changed and joblib couldn't open them. So I needed to run git lfs pull to get actual files. So if you are using compatible joblib versions, make sure your files are not changed somehow!

like image 6
Iman Mirzadeh Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11

Iman Mirzadeh