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Python extracting data from HTML using split

A certain page retrieved from a URL, has the following syntax :

    <strong>Name:</strong> Pasan <br/>
    <strong>Surname: </strong> Wijesingher <br/>                    
    <strong>Former/AKA Name:</strong> No Former/AKA Name <br/>                    
    <strong>Gender:</strong> Male <br/>
    <strong>Language Fluency:</strong> ENGLISH <br/>                    

I want to extract the data in Name, Surname etc. (I have to repeat this task for many pages)

For that I tried using the following code:

import urllib2

url = 'http://www.my.lk/details.aspx?view=1&id=%2031'
source = urllib2.urlopen(url)

start = '<p><strong>Given Name:</strong>'
end = '<strong>Surname'

start = 'Surname: </strong>'
end = 'Former/AKA Name'


When I'm calling the source.read.split method only one time it works fine. But when I use it twice it gives a list index out of range error.

Can someone suggest a solution?

like image 882
Pasan W. Avatar asked Feb 23 '13 05:02

Pasan W.

People also ask

How extract specific data from HTML file using Python?

Sending an HTTP GET request to the URL of the webpage that you want to scrape, which will respond with HTML content. We can do this by using the Request library of Python. Fetching and parsing the data using Beautifulsoup and maintain the data in some data structure such as Dict or List.

2 Answers

You can use BeautifulSoup for parsing the HTML string.

Here is some code you might try,
It is using BeautifulSoup (to get the text made by the html code), then parses the string for extracting the data.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

dic = {}
data = \
        <strong>Name:</strong> Pasan <br/>
        <strong>Surname: </strong> Wijesingher <br/>                    
        <strong>Former/AKA Name:</strong> No Former/AKA Name <br/>                    
        <strong>Gender:</strong> Male <br/>
        <strong>Language Fluency:</strong> ENGLISH <br/>                    

soup = bs(data)
# Get the text on the html through BeautifulSoup
text = soup.get_text()

# parsing the text
lines = text.splitlines()
for line in lines:
    # check if line has ':', if it doesn't, move to the next line
    if line.find(':') == -1: 
    # split the string at ':'
    parts = line.split(':')

    # You can add more tests here like
    # if len(parts) != 2:
    #     continue

    # stripping whitespace
    for i in range(len(parts)):
        parts[i] = parts[i].strip()    
    # adding the vaules to a dictionary
    dic[parts[0]] = parts[1]
    # printing the data after processing
    print '%16s %20s' % (parts[0],parts[1])

A tip: If you are going to use BeautifulSoup to parse HTML,
You should have certain attributes like class=input or id=10, That is, you keep all tags of the same type to be the same id or class.

Well for your comment, see the code below
It applies the tip above, making life (and coding) a lot easier

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

c_addr = []
id_addr = []
data = \
<h2>Primary Location</h2>
<div class="address" id="10">
       No. 4<br>
       Private Drive,<br>
       Sri Lanka&nbsp;ON&nbsp;&nbsp;K7L LK <br>
soup = bs(data)

for i in soup.find_all('div'):
    # get data using "class" attribute
    addr = ""
    if i.get("class")[0] == u'address': # unicode string
        text = i.get_text()
        for line in text.splitlines(): # line-wise
            line = line.strip() # remove whitespace
            addr += line # add to address string

    # get data using "id" attribute
    addr = ""
    if int(i.get("id")) == 10: # integer
        text = i.get_text()
        # same processing as above
        for line in text.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            addr += line

print "id_addr"
print id_addr
print "c_addr"
print c_addr
like image 71
pradyunsg Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 21:09


You are calling read() twice. That is the problem. Instead of doing that you want to call read once, store the data in a variable, and use that variable where you were calling read(). Something like this:

fetched_data = source.read()

Then later...




That should work. The reason your code didn't work is because the read() method is reading the content the first time, but after it gets done reading it is looking at the end of the content. The next time you call read() it has no more content remaining and throws an exception.

Check out the docs for urllib2 and methods on file objects

like image 31
Matt Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09
