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How to add multiple files to py2app?

I have a python script which makes a GUI. When a button 'Run' is pressed in this GUI it runs a function from an imported package (which I made) like this

from predictmiP import predictor
class MiPFrame(wx.Frame):
    def runmiP(self, event):
         predictor.runPrediction(self.uploadProtInterestField.GetValue(), self.uploadAllProteinsField.GetValue(), self.uploadPfamTextField.GetValue(), \
                   self.edit_eval_all.Value, self.edit_eval_small.Value, self.saveOutputField)

When I run the GUI directly from python it all works well and the program writes an output file. However, when I make it into an app, the GUI starts but when I press the button nothing happens. predictmiP does get included in build/bdist.macosx-10.3-fat/python2.7-standalone/app/collect/, like all the other imports I'm using (although it is empty, but that's the same as all the other imports I have).

How can I get multiple python files, or an imported package to work with py2app?

my setup.py:

""" This is a setup.py script generated by py2applet

Usage: python setup.py py2app """

from setuptools import setup

APP = ['mip3.py']
OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True}

    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},


It looked like it worked, but it only works for a little. From my GUI I call

 blast.makeBLASTdb(self.uploadAllProteinsField.GetValue(), 'allDB')

 # to test if it's working
 dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, "werkt"+self.saveOutputField, "werkt", wx.OK)
 dlg.ShowModal() # Show it
 dlg.Destroy() # finally destroy it when finished.

blast.makeBLASTdb looks like this:

def makeBLASTdb(proteins_file, database_name):  
    subprocess.call(['/.'+os.path.realpath(__file__).rstrip(__file__.split('/')[-1])+'blast/makeblastdb', '-in', proteins_file, '-dbtype', 'prot', '-out', database_name])

This function gets called, makeblastdb which I call through subprocess does output a file. However, the program does not continue,

dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, "werkt"+self.saveOutputField, "werkt", wx.OK)
dlg.ShowModal() # Show it

in the next lines never gets executed.

like image 208
Niek de Klein Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 23:11

Niek de Klein

2 Answers

py2app (or rather, setup.py) doesn't magically include files, just because you import them in your application code.

From your description it's not quite clear to me where the predictmiP.py file is located, where the mip3.py file is located, where the setup.py file is located, and how the rest of the directory tree looks.

So, a few general notes on packaging Python files (see also http://docs.python.org/2.7/distutils/index.html). If you just have a few files, you can list them explicitly:

    py_modules=['file1', 'file2']

This would include file1.py and file2.py. If you have lots of files, that gets tedious, of course, so you can tell setup.py to include all Python files it finds, like so:


This expects a directory named example, containing an __init__.py, and will include all Python files found there.

If you have a different directory layout, e.g. a src directory containing the Python files, set it like this:

    package_dir={'': 'src'}

This expects a directory src/example, and includes the Python files below there.

like image 120
wosc Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11


Since your setup.py is not provided, I will guess it does not resemble something like:

from setuptools import setup

OPTIONS = {'packages' : ['predictmiP']}

setup(app=someapp.py, options={'py2app' : OPTIONS},

Or maybe you are looking for OPTIONS['includes'] ? Or maybe OPTIONS['frameworks'] ?

like image 31
mmgp Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11
