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Python check if function exists without running it

People also ask

How do you check if a function is in Python?

You should just use hasattr(some_class, "some_function") for more clarity and because sometimes dict is not used, although this still does not check whether you're dealing with a function or not.

How do you check a function is exist or not?

To prevent the error, you can first check if a function exists in your current JavaScript environment by using a combination of an if statement and the typeof operator on the function you want to call.

You can use dir to check if a name is in a module:

>>> import os
>>> "walk" in dir(os)

In the sample code above, we test for the os.walk function.

You suggested try except. You could indeed use that:

except NameError:
    print("Not in scope!")
    print("In scope!")

This checks if variable is in scope (it doesn't call the function).

import inspect
if (hasattr(m, 'f') and inspect.isfunction(m.f))

import inspect
if ('f' in dir(m) and inspect.isfunction(m.f))

m = module name
f = function defined in m

If you are checking if function exists in a package:

import pkg

print("method" in dir(pkg))

If you are checking if function exists in your script / namespace:

def hello():

print("hello" in dir())