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How to detect string byte encoding?

I've got about 1000 filenames read by os.listdir(), some of them are encoded in UTF8 and some are CP1252.

I want to decode all of them to Unicode for further processing in my script. Is there a way to get the source encoding to correctly decode into Unicode?


for item in os.listdir(rootPath):      #Convert to Unicode     if isinstance(item, str):         item = item.decode('cp1252')  # or item = item.decode('utf-8')     print item 
like image 945
Philipp Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 06:04


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1 Answers

Use chardet library. It is super easy

import chardet  the_encoding = chardet.detect('your string')['encoding'] 

and that's it!

in python3 you need to provide type bytes or bytearray so:

import chardet the_encoding = chardet.detect(b'your string')['encoding'] 
like image 72
george Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
