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python argparse - either both optional arguments or else neither one

I have a program that uses a default name and password. I'm using argparse to allow the user to specify command line options, and I would like to enable the user to provide the program with a different name and password to use. So I have the following:

parser.add_argument(     '-n',     '--name',     help='the login name that you wish the program to use'     )  parser.add_argument(     '-p',     '--password',     help='the password to log in with.'     ) 

But it doesn't make any sense to specify only the name or only the password, but it would make sense to specify neither one. I noticed that argparse does have the ability to specify that two arguments are mutually exclusive. But what I have are two arguments that must appear together. How do I get this behavior? (I found "argument groups" mentioned in the docs, but they don't appear to solve my problem http://docs.python.org/2/library/argparse.html#argument-groups)

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tadasajon Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 02:01


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Optional Arguments To add an optional argument, simply omit the required parameter in add_argument() . args = parser. parse_args()if args.

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If a user is required to make an argument, they can set the keyword argument required to True .

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2 Answers

I believe that the best way to handle this is to post-process the returned namespace. The reason that argparse doesn't support this is because it parses arguments 1 at a time. It's easy for argparse to check to see if something was already parsed (which is why mutually-exclusive arguments work), but it isn't easy to see if something will be parsed in the future.

A simple:

parser.add_argument('-n','--name',...,default=None) parser.add_argument('-p','--password',...,default=None) ns = parser.parse_args()  if len([x for x in (ns.name,ns.password) if x is not None]) == 1:    parser.error('--name and --password must be given together')  name = ns.name if ns.name is not None else "default_name" password = ns.password if ns.password is not None else "default_password" 

seems like it would suffice.

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mgilson Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10


I know this is more than two years late, but I found a nice and concise way to do it:

if bool(ns.username) ^ bool(ns.password):     parser.error('--username and --password must be given together') 

^ is the XOR operator in Python. To require both arguments given at the command line is essentially an XOR test.

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Ting Qian Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Ting Qian