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Pytest - How to pass an argument to setup_class?




I have some code as shown below. I am getting a too few args error when I run it. I am not calling setup_class explicitly, so not sure how to pass any parameter to it. I tried decorating the method with @classmethod, but still see the same error.

The error that I am seeing is this - E TypeError: setup_class() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

One point to note - If I do not pass any parameter to the class, and pass only cls, then I am not seeing the error.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I did review these questions question #1 and question #2prior to posting. I did not understand the solutions posted to these questions, or how they would work.

class A_Helper:
    def __init__(self, fixture):
        print "In class A_Helper"

    def some_method_in_a_helper(self):
        print "foo"

class Test_class:
    def setup_class(cls, fixture):
        print "!!! In setup class !!!"
        cls.a_helper = A_Helper(fixture)

    def test_some_method(self):
        assert 0 == 0
like image 966
Muthu Palanisamy Avatar asked Feb 02 '15 22:02

Muthu Palanisamy

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2 Answers

You get this error because you are trying to mix two independent testing styles that py.test supports: the classical unit testing and pytest's fixtures.

What I suggest is not to mix them and instead simply define a class scoped fixture like this:

import pytest

class A_Helper:
    def __init__(self, fixture):
        print "In class A_Helper"

    def some_method_in_a_helper(self):
        print "foo"

def a_helper(fixture):
    return A_Helper(fixture)

class Test_class:
    def test_some_method(self, a_helper):
        assert 0 == 0
like image 198
freakish Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11


Since you are using this with pytest, it will only call setup_class with one argument and one argument only, doesn't look like you can change this without changing how pytest calls this.

You should just follow the documentation and define the setup_class function as specified and then set up your class inside that method with your custom arguments that you need inside that function, which would look something like

class Test_class:
    def setup_class(cls):
        print "!!! In setup class !!!"
        arg = '' # your parameter here
        cls.a_helper = A_Helper(arg)

    def test_some_method(self):
        assert 0 == 0
like image 29
metatoaster Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11
