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Pyspark append executor environment variable

Is it possible to append a value to the PYTHONPATH of a worker in spark?

I know it is possible to go to each worker node, configure spark-env.sh file and do it, but I want a more flexible approach

I am trying to use setExecutorEnv method, but with no success

conf = SparkConf().setMaster("spark://")\
              .set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "") /
              .setExecutorEnv('PYTHONPATH', '$PYTHONPATH:/custom_dir_that_I_want_to_append/')

It creates a pythonpath env.variable on each executor, force it to be lower_case, and does not interprets $PYTHONPATH command to append the value.

I end up with two different env.variables,

pythonpath  :  $PYTHONPATH:/custom_dir_that_I_want_to_append
PYTHONPATH  :  /old/path/to_python

The first one is dynamically created and the second one already existed before.

Does anyone know how to do it?

like image 378
guilhermecgs Avatar asked Nov 25 '16 15:11


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1 Answers

I figured out myself...

The problem is not with spark, but in ConfigParser

Based on this answer, I fixed the ConfigParser to always preserve case.

After this, I found out that the default spark behavior is to append the values to existing worker env.variables, if there is a env.variable with the same name.

So, it is not necessary to mention $PYTHONPATH within dollar sign.

.setExecutorEnv('PYTHONPATH', '/custom_dir_that_I_want_to_append/')
like image 75
guilhermecgs Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
