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Put Items using Json File in AWS DynamoDB using AWS CLI

While putting below JSON in dynamo DB using AWS CLI with below command:

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name ScreenList --item file://tableName.json

I am getting Parameter validation failed Exception.I have gone rigorously through AWS docs but failed to find example to insert a complicated json.Every small help is welcome.

The updated Json :

  "itemName": {
    "S": "SCREEN_LIST"
  "productName": {
    "S": "P2P_MOBITEL"
  "screenList": {
    "L": [
        "menu": {
          "L": [
              "M": {
                "menuId": {
                  "N": "1"
                "menuText": {
                  "S": "ENG_HEADING"
                "menuType": {
                  "S": "Dynamic"
        "M": {
          "screenFooter": {
            "S": "F_LANGUAGE_CHANGE"
          "screenHeader": {
            "S": "H_LANGUAGE_CHANGE"
          "screenId": {
            "S": "LANGUAGE_CHANGE"
          "screenType": {
            "S": ""
like image 637
Priancy Avatar asked Aug 03 '17 10:08


1 Answers

It seems that you are defining complex types incorrectly. According to AWS documentation you should define a list like this:

"L": ["Cookies", "Coffee", 3.14159]

and a map should be defined like this:

"M": {"Name": {"S": "Joe"}, "Age": {"N": "35"}}

which means that a menu map should be defined like this:

"menu": { 
  "L": [
      "M": {
        "menuId": {"N" :"1"},
        "menuText": {"S" :"PACKS_SCREEN"},
        "menuType": {"S" :"Dynamic"}

Notice the "M" and "L" attributes.

You should change the rest of your JSON in a similar fashion.

You can find full JSON definition here in the Options section.


Now your list definition is incorrect. You have:

            "menu":{ ... },
            "M":{ ... }

While it should be:

            "M":{ ... }   
            "M":{ ... }   
like image 131
Ivan Mushketyk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Ivan Mushketyk