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Remove back slash from Json String in android

i need some help for Remove Back slash from Json String.

Here is the Response which i Get From Server side.

"response":"{\"time_zone\":\"\",\"session_token\":\"abcdefgHijklomopqrstuvwxyz\",\"user_login\":\"abc\",\"user_profile_img\":\"http://jhjhjhj.org/system/photos/62/medium/images.jpg?1462446436\",\"success\":\"0\",\"org_admin\":\"\",\"user_id\":\"62\",\"user_org_id\":\"101\",\"phone_mobile\":\"510-427-9639\",\"user_email\":\"[email protected]\"}"}

what i have don for Remove Backslash from this String


than After it will give me This String which is not in Json Formate.

{"response":"{"time_zone":"","session_token":"nskfndkjfsfsdffjsdfd","user_login":"newoff2","user_profile_img":"http://absdds.org/system/photos/62/medium/images.jpg?1462446436","success":"0","org_admin":"","user_id":"62","user_org_id":"101","phone_mobile":"510-427-9639","user_email":"[email protected]"}"}

it Give me Exaption

    org.json.JSONException: Unterminated object at character 17 of 

{"response":"{"time_zone":"","session_token":"kjshhdscncnxzcxclx","user_login":"newoff2","user_profile_img":"http://abcd.org/system/photos/62/medium/images.jpg?1462446436","success":"0","org_admin":"","user_id":"62","user_org_id":"101","phone_mobile":"510-427-9898","user_email":"[email protected]"}"}

How Can i remove this Back slash with Proper Json Formate ?

Thanks in advance

like image 719
RushDroid Avatar asked Jul 31 '16 18:07


2 Answers

The command


is correct and if you try to display the server response with an online json formatter (https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/) you can clearly see that the string is not correctly formatted. The double quotes after the "response" and one at the end are not required.

like image 95
Lino Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10


UPDATED: August 2019 Use google's Gson for parsing to Json by omitting backslash automatically:


    JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
    JsonObject jsonObject = jsonParser.parse("your jsonString with backslash").getAsJsonObject();


    val jsonParser = JsonParser()
    val jsonObject = jsonParser.parse("your jsonString with backslash").asJsonObject
like image 43
Md. Yamin Mollah Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

Md. Yamin Mollah