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Put column names of a data frame as the title of plots of each column





I have a data frame with 36 columns and more than 3000 rows. I am using plot function inside a for loop to plot graphs of each column. I want the title of the graph to appear as column name. How can I do that?

for(i in c(1:36)){
like image 474
Ved Gupta Avatar asked Jan 02 '14 10:01

Ved Gupta

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2 Answers

Using lapply you can loop over columns names:

like image 180
agstudy Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 05:10


data <- read.csv("sample.csv",header=T,sep=",")
for ( i in seq(1,length( data ),1) ) plot(data[,i],ylab=names(data[i]),type="l")

This should Work

like image 40
Prasanna Nandakumar Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10

Prasanna Nandakumar