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How do I run diagnostic plots for lmer in R?

I am trying to run diagnostic plots on an lmer model but keep hitting a wall. I'm not sure how much information I need to provide here, but here goes:

The model is simple:

best <- lmer(MSV_mm ~ Size_treat + (1|Rep) + (1|Patch) + (1|Trap), data= early_nopine). 

MSV_mm is numeric (snout-vent lengths) and Size_treat is a factor with 4 levels: Continuous, Large, Medium and Small. Rep, Patch and Trap are random effects.

When I run plot(best), I get the following error message:

"Error in as.double(y) : 
  cannot coerce type 'S4' to vector of type 'double'"

I assume this is related to the lmer function. I have trolled the web and have not yet found an answer to this problem. Is it an lmer thing?

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Kika Tarsi Avatar asked Oct 08 '13 19:10

Kika Tarsi

1 Answers

I can reproduce this error with lme4.0, which is equivalent to earlier (pre-1.0.0) versions of lme4 from CRAN. If you use an up-to-date lme4 from CRAN (version 1.0-4 as of October 2013), this is what should happen:

fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)

enter image description here

Although plot.merMod is not exported, it is documented (?plot.merMod), and you can see it via lme4:::plot.merMod (or getAnywhere("plot.merMod")).

If you want to reproduce this plot with an earlier version of lme4, you can do:

augData <- data.frame(sleepstudy,fitted=fitted(fm1),resid=residuals(fm1))

You should think about whether you want deviance residuals (the default from residuals()) or Pearson residuals (the default for plot.merMod).

like image 72
Ben Bolker Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09

Ben Bolker