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Publishing Static WSDL and related XSD schemas using Spring WS

I have one module where I have my XSD schemas, where one schema can reference an other using relative path within schema location:

<xs:import namespace="http://my.namespace.org" schemaLocation="../mypackage/my.xsd"/>

Here I'm also using xjc to generate Jaxb beans from these xsd schemas.

Now I have a module where is my web-service is implemetented, using spring-ws (2.0.4). And I want to use static WSDL and publish it with the xsd schemas, where the schema locations will be transformed to URL like 'http://myerver.url.com/my.xsd'.

The question is how to elegantly achieve this?

(Alternatively combine the XSDs into one schema and that to WSDL)

(In theory I could transform these XSD using a script and add them to resources (xsd and wsdl) to a (spring dispatcher) servlet but it doesn't seems to me very comfortable)

like image 676
csviri Avatar asked Mar 02 '12 09:03


2 Answers

Spring web service has a way to do it elegantly actually. All you need to do is to define a SimpleXsdSchema bean with the right id (which will be used as the xsd name without .xsd) in the bean definition xml file, something like below

<bean id="my" 

More information (including an example) can be found at the following link: Static WSDL with imported XML Schema in Spring Web Service

like image 190
Robin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09


Here is my solution for static WSDL and XSDs

@Bean(name = "OpportunityAttachmentService")
public Wsdl11Definition getOpportunityAttachmentServiceDefinition() {
    SimpleWsdl11Definition wsdl11Definition =
            new SimpleWsdl11Definition();
            new ClassPathResource(
    return wsdl11Definition;

@Bean(name = "getOpportunityAttachment_Request_CRM")
public XsdSchema getOpportunityAttachmentServiceRequestXsd() {
    return new SimpleXsdSchema(
            new ClassPathResource("wsdl/getOpportunityAttachment/getOpportunityAttachment_Request_CRM.xsd"));

@Bean(name = "getOpportunityAttachment_Response_CRM")
public XsdSchema getOpportunityAttachmentServiceResponseXsd() {
    return new SimpleXsdSchema(
            new ClassPathResource("wsdl/getOpportunityAttachment/getOpportunityAttachment_Response_CRM.xsd"));
like image 28
Dmitry Trifonov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Dmitry Trifonov