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Publishing just controllers

When I'm editing views or other non-dll files, I can press CTRL + ; + P to publish that file to the web-server. However, it doesn't work for controllers, probably because they will be compiled into a dll file.

Is there any way to compile and publish just the dll file and avoid the long delay of publishing the whole project?


Thanks to Sarvjeet, I know that I can build the project and copy the dll file, I can also script this in post-build event of the project like this:

copy "$(TargetPath)" "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\bin\$(TargetFileName)"

I was hoping for a better way, that lets me use the short-key, CTRL + ; + P, and takes publishing profile into account.

like image 802
Akbari Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 20:10


1 Answers

Copy compiled DLL and pasted it to deployed folder. You don't need to deploy whole project.

like image 168
Sarvjeet Verma Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 06:12

Sarvjeet Verma