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Property id does not exist on type string



I am getting the follow error in my IDE saying Property id does not exist on type string typeScript for this line of code:

if(customer.id === id) {//doesn't like customer.id
            return customer;

full code:

let customer:any [];

function Customers(): string[] {

    let id = 0;


    return customer;

function createCustomer(name:string,id:number,age:number,city:string){

const allCustomers = Customers();

function getCustomerInformation(id:number): string {

    for (let customer of allCustomers) {

        if(customer.id === id){
            return customer;


    return "";

It was my assumption since I used any for let customer:any []; I could put different variables in there.

----------------- Thanks for some help this is my new solution--------

interface ICustomer{
    id: number;
    name: string;
    age: number
    city: string

let customers: Array<ICustomer>;

function generateCustomers(): void {

    let id: number = 0;

    createCustomer("Drew", id++, 22, "Glassboro");
    createCustomer("Mike", id++, 40, "Rineyville");
    createCustomer("Justin", id++, 19, "Jonesboro");
    createCustomer("Alex", id++, 15, "Paulsboro");
    createCustomer("Phil", id++, 32, "Glassboro");


function getAllCustomers(): ICustomer[]{


    return customers;

function createCustomer(name:string,id:number,age:number,city:string): void {

    let newCustomer:ICustomer = {id:id,name:name,age:age,city:city};


const allCustomers = getAllCustomers;

function getCustomerInformation(id:number): ICustomer {

    for (let customer of allCustomers()) {

        if(customer.id === id){
            return customer;

    return null;

like image 469
Mike3355 Avatar asked Dec 21 '16 18:12


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1 Answers

You have to wrap your properties inside of object:

function createCustomer(name: string, id: number, age: number, city: string) {
        customer.push({ name, id, age, city });

Where { name, id, age, city } is ES2015 equivalence of:

    id: id,
    name: name,
    age: age,
    city: city

To avoid this kind of mistakes, I tend to create interface that forces structure:

interface ICustomer {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    city: string;

which you assign to your array:

let customer: ICustomer[];

Except better type checking, it gives you better syntax hints.

Edit: I've reviewed your code and made few suggestions about practices:

  • Always give return type to functions
  • Try to not work on external variables inside functions, if needed pass them as parameters
  • Don't mix function definitions with actual code

Code worth more than 1000 words. Here is refactored version:

const allCustomers: ICustomer[] = customers();

interface ICustomer {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    city: string;

function customers(): ICustomer[] {
    let id: number = 0;

    return [
        createCustomer(id++, "Drew", 22, "Glassboro"),
        createCustomer(id++, "Mike", 40, "Rineyville"),
        createCustomer(id++, "Justin", 19, "Jonesboro"),
        createCustomer(id++, "Alex", 15, "Paulsboro"),
        createCustomer(id++, "Phil", 32, "Glassboro")

function createCustomer(id: number, name: string, age: number, city: string): ICustomer {
    return { id, name, age, city };

function getCustomerInformation(customers: ICustomer[], id: number): ICustomer {
    // Note undefined is returned if object not found
    return customers.find(customer => customer.id === id);
like image 108
Piotr Lewandowski Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 13:10

Piotr Lewandowski