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How to cast md ElementRef to HtmlElement in angular 2+

I have

 <input mdInput #try  placeholder="Favorite food" value="Sushi">

and I get it in ts by

 @ViewChild('try') myText : ElementRef;

and now I need to get approach to HtmlElement Function ,how I can Cast it?

and I don't want by this way add id="try" to mdInput and get it by :

var cel= document.getElementById("try");
like image 692
tal Avatar asked Aug 13 '17 08:08


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1 Answers

myText.nativeElement will contain a reference to the DOM element. Assert myText.nativeElement as HTMLElement:

let domElement = this.myText.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
like image 166
Saravana Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 18:09
