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injecting ui-router resolve to directive

i am using ui-router and there i am resolving some data i want to inject the resolve to my custom directive ,below is code how i am doing

 module portal {
           $stateProvider.state('portal', {
        url: '/demo',
        template: tpl.html,
        abstract: true,
        resolve: {

                 return 'foo';//here i am returing a promise


module portal.directives{

export class demoDirevtive{

    static $inject =['demoResolve'];
        var directive: ng.IDirective = {};
        directive.link = (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) => {

        directive.restrict = "EAC";

        return directive;

but i am getting error of unknown provider

like image 791
Pranay Dutta Avatar asked Oct 14 '14 06:10

Pranay Dutta

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1 Answers

From reading their code it doesn't seem like it's possible, they have a local variable that they inject into the controller you define on the view, it's not accessible via $inject service as well.

Easiest solution would be to put it on the controller's scope, and then use it in the directive.

You can also create a real service, that will hold all the resolved objects in your application, i.e.:

resolve: {
     demoResolve: ['myResolvingService', function(resolver) {
          resolver.myValue = 'Foo';
          return 'Foo';

I know it's not what you were looking for, but it just doesn't look like it's supported.

like image 102
PiniH Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10
