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Proper use of the HsOpenSSL API to implement a TLS Server

To do this you need to replace copySocket with two different functions, one to handle data from the plain socket to SSL and the other from SSL to the plain socket:

  copyIn :: SSL.SSL -> Socket -> IO ()
  copyIn src dst = go
    go = do
        buf <- SSL.read src 4096
        unless (B.null buf) $ do
            SB.sendAll dst buf

  copyOut :: Socket -> SSL.SSL -> IO ()
  copyOut src dst = go
    go = do
        buf <- SB.recv src 4096
        unless (B.null buf) $ do
            SSL.write dst buf

Then you need to modify connectToServer so that it establishes an SSL connection

  -- |Create connection to given AddrInfo target and return socket
  connectToServer saddr = do
    sServer <- socket (addrFamily saddr) Stream defaultProtocol
    putStrLn "connecting"
    connect sServer (addrAddress saddr)
    putStrLn "establishing ssl context"
    ctx <- SSL.context
    putStrLn "setting ciphers"
    SSL.contextSetCiphers ctx "DEFAULT"
    putStrLn "setting verfication mode"
    SSL.contextSetVerificationMode ctx SSL.VerifyNone
    putStrLn "making ssl connection"
    sslServer <- SSL.connection ctx sServer
    putStrLn "doing handshake"
    SSL.connect sslServer
    putStrLn "connected"
    return sslServer

and change finalize to shut down the SSL session

let finalize sServer = do
        putStrLn "shutting down ssl"
        SSL.shutdown sServer SSL.Unidirectional
        putStrLn "closing server socket"
        maybe (return ()) sClose (SSL.sslSocket sServer)
        putStrLn "closing client socket"
        sClose sClient

Finally, don't forget to run your main stuff within withOpenSSL as in

main = withOpenSSL $ do
    let hints = defaultHints { addrSocketType = Stream, addrFamily = AF_INET }
    addrs <- getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just "localhost") (Just "22222")
    let addr = head addrs
    print addr
    runProxy (PortNumber 11111) addr