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Java's Interface and Haskell's type class: differences and similarities?

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How are Typeclasses different from interfaces?

An interface in the Java programming language is an abstract type that is used to specify an interface (in the generic sense of the term) that classes must implement. These two looks rather similar: type class limit a type's behavior, while interface limit a class' behavior.

What is a Haskell type class?

Haskell classes are roughly similar to a Java interface. Like an interface declaration, a Haskell class declaration defines a protocol for using an object rather than defining an object itself. Haskell does not support the C++ overloading style in which functions with different types share a common name.

What ways is an interface similar to a class?

It is similar to class. It is a collection of abstract methods. A class implements an interface, thereby inheriting the abstract methods of the interface. Along with abstract methods, an interface may also contain constants, default methods, static methods, and nested types.

Are class and interface same yes or no?

No, an interface is not a class in Java. An interface is a type and all reference types (i.e. non-primitive types) handle quite similarly in Java. Often when people say "class" they are actually referring to a "reference type".

I would say that an interface is kind of like a type class SomeInterface t where all of the values have the type t -> whatever (where whatever does not contain t). This is because with the kind of inheritance relationship in Java and similar languages, the method called depends on the type of object they are called on, and nothing else.

That means it's really hard to make things like add :: t -> t -> t with an interface, where it is polymorphic on more than one parameter, because there's no way for the interface to specify that the argument type and return type of the method is the same type as the type of the object it is called on (i.e. the "self" type). With Generics, there are kinda ways to fake this by making an interface with generic parameter that is expected to be the same type as the object itself, like how Comparable<T> does it, where you are expected to use Foo implements Comparable<Foo> so that the compareTo(T otherobject) kind of has type t -> t -> Ordering. But that still requires the programmer to follow this rule, and also causes headaches when people want to make a function that uses this interface, they have to have recursive generic type parameters.

Also, you won't have things like empty :: t because you're not calling a function here, so it isn't a method.

What is similar between interfaces and type classes is that they name and describe a set of related operations. The operations themselves are described via their names, inputs, and outputs. Likewise there may be many implementations of these operations that will likely differ in their implementation.

With that out of the way, here are some notable differences:

  • Interfaces methods are always associated with an object instance. In other words, there is always an implied 'this' parameter that is the object on which the method is called. All inputs to a type class function are explicit.
  • An interface implementation must be defined as part of the class that implements the interface. Conversely, a type class 'instance' can be defined completely seperate from its associated type...even in another module.

In general, I think its fair to say that type classes are more powerful and flexible than interfaces. How would you define an interface for converting a string to some value or instance of the implementing type? It's certainly not impossible, but the result would not be intuitive or elegant. Have you ever wished it was possible to implement an interface for a type in some compiled library? These are both easy to accomplish with type classes.

Type classes were created as a structured way to express "ad-hoc polymorphism", which is basically the technical term for overloaded functions. A type class definition looks something like this:

class Foobar a where
    foo :: a -> a -> Bool
    bar :: String -> a

What this means is that, when you use apply the function foo to some arguments of a type that belong to the class Foobar, it looks up an implementation of foo specific to that type, and uses that. This is very similar to the situation with operator overloading in languages like C++/C#, except more flexible and generalized.

Interfaces serve a similar purpose in OO languages, but the underlying concept is somewhat different; OO languages come with a built-in notion of type hierarchies that Haskell simply doesn't have, which complicates matters in some ways because interfaces can involve both overloading by subtyping (i.e., calling methods on appropriate instances, subtypes implementing interfaces their supertypes do) and by flat type-based dispatch (since two classes implementing an interface may not have a common superclass that also implements it). Given the huge additional complexity introduced by subtyping, I suggest it's more helpful to think of type classes as an improved version of overloaded functions in a non-OO language.

Also worth noting is that type classes have vastly more flexible means of dispatch--interfaces generally apply only to the single class implementing it, whereas type classes are defined for a type, which can appear anywhere in the signature of the class's functions. The equivalent of this in OO interfaces would be allowing the interface to define ways to pass an object of that class to other classes, define static methods and constructors that would select an implementation based on what return type is required in calling context, define methods that take arguments of the same type as the class implementing the interface, and various other things that don't really translate at all.

In short: They serve similar purposes, but the way they work is somewhat different, and type classes are both significantly more expressive and, in some cases, simpler to use because of working on fixed types rather that pieces of an inheritance hierarchy.

I've read the above answers. I feel I can answer slightly more clearly:

A Haskell "type class" and a Java/C# "interface" or a Scala "trait" are basically analogous. There is no conceptual distinction between them but there are implementation differences:

  • Haskell type classes are implemented with "instances" that are separate from the data type definition. In C#/Java/Scala, the interfaces/traits must be implemented in the class definition.
  • Haskell type classes allow you to return a this type or self type. Scala traits do as well (this.type). Note that "self types" in Scala are a completely unrelated feature. Java/C# require a messy workaround with generics to approximate this behavior.
  • Haskell type classes let you define functions (including constants) without an input "this" type parameter. Java/C# interfaces and Scala traits require a "this" input parameter on all functions.
  • Haskell type classes let you define default implementations for functions. So do Scala traits and Java 8+ interfaces. C# can approximate something like this with extensions methods.