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Project settings in Gitlab

Where now "Project settings" in Gitlab? How delete repository? And change "Visibility Level" repository? And rename project? enter image description here

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user3430722 Avatar asked Jun 12 '16 12:06


People also ask

Where is project settings in GitLab?

The Settings page in GitLab provides a centralized home for your project configuration options. To access it, go to your project's homepage and, in the left navigation menu, clicking Settings. To reduce complexity, settings are grouped by topic into sections. To display all settings in a section, click Expand.

How do I change a project in GitLab?

To rename a repository: Navigate to your project's Settings > General > Advanced settings. Under "Rename repository", change the "Path" to your liking. Hit Rename project.

1 Answers

Below the "Audit Events" item in the menu you have pulled down in the picture, you should see an option called "Edit Project" that will allow you to do everything you mentioned.

like image 180
McKay Ward Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

McKay Ward