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Project files for Notepad++?



People also ask

How do I add a project to Notepad++?

If you right-click in the Folder as Workspace panel, you can add more directories to the current workspace. Double-clicking on a file from the tree-view will open it as a new tab in the Notepad++ editor (or will activate that tab if it's already open).

What files can be opened in notepad?

It can edit text files (bearing the ".txt" filename extension) and compatible formats, such as batch files, INI files, and log files. Notepad can read and write plain texts encoded in ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16. It supports both left-to-right and right-to-left based languages.

No need for plugin. And NPP does this good and more. So no need to go to other editor.

Go to ViewProjectProject Panel n

See more details here

Project Management/workspace

project/workspace notepad Click View -> Project -> Project Panel n

where n is 1, 2 or 3. Each panel for each workspace.

Notepad++ has a project-management tool but its not very effective. Creating and deleting files is a pain, so the only things you can do with it is opening and managing of files.

But, there is a solution aka the Explorer plugin.

Link to the explorer plugin (You can also find it in your plugin manager)

It is a file manager and when coupled with the in-built project-management tool it is very effective.

You mean a project-management like this? http://npp-community.tuxfamily.org/documentation/project-management

It is already included in Notepad++, called Workspaces. It works on the local file system only. Would be great, if it works with remote filesystems like FTP/SSH too.

As of Notepad++ 6.9 (released on 22 Feb 2016 14:11:00):

The new Folder as Workspace feature can be used.

Folder as Workspace opens your folder(s) in a panel so you can browse folder(s) and open any file in Notepad++. Every changement in the folder(s) from outside will be synchronized in the panel. Usage: Simply drop 1 (or more) folder(s) in Notepad++.

You can use:
File -> Open Folder as Workspace , select the folder you want. enter image description here

or open Notepad++, then drag and drop the folder you want to open as tree view.

enter image description here

This feature has the advantage of not showing your entire file system when just the working directory is needed.
It also means you don't need plugins for it to work.
