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Programmatically change base branch for a github pull request

Title says it all…

Anyone have any code to update the base branch for a github pull request programmatically? Don't really care about the language.

like image 386
Clintm Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 06:03


2 Answers

The API method to change the base branch of a PR (Pull Request) is described here:

GitHub recently (August 2016, less than 2 years ago at the time of writing this) added the ability to change the base branch on a Pull Request after it's created.
Now we're updating the Pull Request API to enable the new functionality.

For example:

curl "https://api.github.com/repos/github/hubot/pulls/123" \
  -H 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  -d '{ "base": "master" }'

The Pull Request base will be updated to point to the master branch.

You can embed that curl call in any script language you want.

like image 198
VonC Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 03:04


I wrote a util to do this in Go at: https://github.com/clintmod/retarget-github-prs

package main

import (

func envVarError(name string) {
    fmt.Errorf("No %v environment variable found", name)

func missingArg(arg string, index int) {
    fmt.Printf("Missing arg %v at position %d\n", arg, index)

func validateArgs(args []string) {
    if len(args) < 2 {
        missingArg("Github Account", 1)
    if len(args) < 3 {
        missingArg("Old Branch", 2)
    if len(args) < 4 {
        missingArg("New Branch", 3)
    if len(args) < 5 {
        missingArg("Repos (e.g. oceans,triton,rhode", 3)

func main() {
    uname := os.Getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME")
    pass := os.Getenv("GITHUB_PASSWORD")

    if uname == "" {
    if pass == "" {


    owner := os.Args[1]
    oldBranch := os.Args[2]
    newBranch := os.Args[3]
    repos := strings.Split(os.Args[4], ",")

    tp := github.BasicAuthTransport{Username: uname, Password: pass}

    client := github.NewClient(tp.Client())

    for _, repo := range repos {
        opt := &github.PullRequestListOptions{"open", "", oldBranch, "created", "desc", github.ListOptions{Page: 1}}
        pulls, _, err := client.PullRequests.List(context.Background(), owner, repo, opt)

        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

        numberOfPulls := len(pulls)
        fmt.Println("number of pulls = ", numberOfPulls)
        for i := 0; i < numberOfPulls; i++ {
            pull := pulls[i]
            pullNumber := *pull.Number
            *pull.Base.Ref = newBranch
            fmt.Printf("Retargeting pull request %v the %v branch\n", pullNumber, *pull.Base.Ref)
            _, _, err := client.PullRequests.Edit(context.Background(), owner, repo, pullNumber, pull)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Errorf("%d: PullRequests.Edit returned error: %v", i, err)
            } else {
                fmt.Printf("pull request %v retargeted\n", pullNumber)

like image 28
Clintm Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 02:04
