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How can I clone a non-github hosted repository using Github Desktop





How can I clone a non-github repository using Github Desktop?


If I have an existing repository initialized, I can add it using Github Desktop. But how can I clone it without using the git command?

Our team uses an internal Gogs site to manage our repositories, and we would like to allow users to clone the repository without using command line tools.

like image 477
Johnathan Elmore Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 11:03

Johnathan Elmore

1 Answers

For Mac

Github Desktop understands the github-mac://openRepo URL format/protocol.

For instance: github-mac://openRepo/http://somegitservice.local/some-user/my-repo

If you enter a link with that format into your browser's address bar, it should prompt you to open it with Github Desktop. This will not work if you do not have Github Desktop installed.

For Windows

I'm not sure! Until Github provides a similar solution, command line or another tool must be used to clone the repository to your Desktop. Once it's cloned to your desktop you can add it to Github Desktop using the + > Add button in the top-left of the window.

like image 58
Johnathan Elmore Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 06:03

Johnathan Elmore