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How do I delete local remote-tracking branches when remote branch is deleted?





I deleted a branch silver3 in Bitbucket.

I fetched changes.

However, in my local machine (Using Eclipse 4.4.2), origin/silver3 still exists.


How can I ensure that the deletion of this branch causes the deletion of my local remote-tracking branch origin/silver3, without having to manually delete it locally? I'd prefer to do this in Eclipse (egit).

like image 245
Joshua Fox Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 16:03

Joshua Fox

1 Answers

In Eclipse, Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git -> Configuration -> Repository Settings tab.

Select the Repository.

Select Add Entry.

Add Key "fetch.prune" and Value "true"

like image 171
Joshua Fox Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 06:03

Joshua Fox