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Change Git remote password used by NetBeans

I am working with Netbeans IDE 8.2 and a GitHub repository I push changes to. When i first set up the GitHub credentials i made a mistake while typing the password and left checked the "Remember" field.

Now every time i try to push to origin, i receive an http error which says that the credentials are wrong - and I am sure they are, but I can't change them. I tried searching the options menus, the project settings and the "Team" menu, but I'm probably missing something.

How do I change the default password for GitHub in NetBeans?

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Salvioner Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 19:03


1 Answers

Right click your project and go to Git -> Remote -> Push... Select 'Specify Git Repository Location', update your password, click Next. It may give you error again. Close the popup and try pushing again. You should be able to push now.

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ozeray Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 08:03
