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Windows 10 WSL bash aliases





Is there a way to create aliases for WSL Bash on Windows 10?

With Git Bash, it's easy: edit the file .bashrc: alias alias-name="command" I've done my research, including these posts 1, 2 but couldn't find the answer.

If that's not possible. Is it possible to set Git Bash as an integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code?

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Viet Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 21:03


1 Answers

I got tripped up on this because I edited the wrong .bashrc file. There is one in the linux file system (home/robin/.bashrc) and there's another one in the windows file system (c:/users/robin/.bashrc). I had to edit the one in the linux file system. Now when I launch Windows Terminal I can use my aliases.

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Robin Nelson Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 11:03

Robin Nelson