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Processing a tree in F# using continuations

I'm trying to understand how continuations work, I have this example that I came across in the book, Real World Functional Programming by Tomas Petricek with Jon Skeet. But this really has got my head spinning so I must ask for some detailed help..

type IntTree = 
    | Leaf of int
    | Node of IntTree * IntTree

let rec sumTreeCont tree cont =
  match tree with
  | Leaf(n) -> cont(n)
  | Node(left, right) -> 
      sumTreeCont left (fun leftSum ->
        sumTreeCont right (fun rightSum ->
          cont(leftSum + rightSum)))

Okay here's what I have been able to figure out myself... In the second branch we first process the left side of the node and pass a lambda. This lambda will instantiate a closure class with two fields, right: IntTree and cont: (int -> 'a) which will be invoked by the base case. But then it also seems that the "inner lambda" captures leftSum but I don't quite understand how it all fits together, I have to admit that I get a bit dizzy when I try to figure this out.

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Overly Excessive Avatar asked Dec 30 '14 21:12

Overly Excessive

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What is the degree of a tree?

The degree of a tree is the maximum degree of a node in the tree. The number of edges along the shortest path between two nodes. The level of a node is the number of edges along the unique path between it and the root node. This is the same as depth when using zero-based counting.

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A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible. It can have between 1 and 2h nodes at the last level h. A perfect tree is therefore always complete but a complete tree is not necessarily perfect.

What is the in order traversal of this tree?

Inorder traversal It means that first left subtree is visited after that root node is traversed, and finally, the right subtree is traversed. As the root node is traversed between the left and right subtree, it is named inorder traversal. So, in the inorder traversal, each node is visited in between of its subtrees.

1 Answers

I think Christian's answer is a good one - continuation passing style is really just a (not so) simple mechanical transformation that you do on the original source code. This might be easier to see when you do it step by step:

1) Start with the original code (here, I change the code to only do one operation per line):

let rec sumTree tree =
   match tree with
   | Leaf(n) -> n
   | Node(left, right) -> 
       let leftSum = sumTree left
       let rightSum = sumTree right
       leftSum + rightSum

2) Add continuation parameter and call it instead of returning the result (this is still not tail-recursive). To make this type-check, I added continuation fun x -> x to both sub-calls so that they just return the sum as the result:

let rec sumTree tree cont =
   match tree with
   | Leaf(n) -> cont n
   | Node(left, right) -> 
       let leftSum = sumTree left (fun x -> x)
       let rightSum = sumTree right (fun x -> x)
       cont (leftSum + rightSum)

3) Now, let's change the first recursive call to use continuation passing style - lift the rest of the body into the continuation:

let rec sumTree tree cont =
   match tree with
   | Leaf(n) -> cont n
   | Node(left, right) -> 
       sumTree left (fun leftSum ->
         let rightSum = sumTree right (fun x -> x)
         cont (leftSum + rightSum) )

4) And repeat the same thing for the second recursive call:

let rec sumTree tree cont =
   match tree with
   | Leaf(n) -> cont n
   | Node(left, right) -> 
       sumTree left (fun leftSum ->
         sumTree right (fun rightSum -> 
           cont (leftSum + rightSum) ))
like image 199
Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Tomas Petricek