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Problems occurred when loading the Microsoft Visual menu

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What is Devenv Visual Studio?

Devenv lets you set various options for the IDE, build projects, debug projects, and deploy projects from the command line.

How do I add a menu in Visual Studio?

In Solution Explorer, open TopLevelMenuPackage. vsct. The guid and id values of the menu specify the command set and the specific menu in the command set. The guid and id values of the parent position the menu on the section of the Visual Studio menu bar that contains the Tools and Add-ins menus.

How do I unfreeze Visual Studio?

The workaround is pretty easy, just follow these simple steps: Open Tools / Options in Visual Studio 2019 and find the Projects and Solutions node. Unselect 'Allow parallel project initialization' Click 'OK' and close the solution.


The way to resolve this issue is by editing your System Environment Variables. In my case my System Path Variable had a string which was over 2048 characters, which apparently causes random path haywire at unpredictable times. By making sure this is below 2048 characters, it will solve the problem. Make sure you restart explorer.exe after changing the path variables and getting them under 2048 characters.

I don't know why it happened. After I reboot the machine, the error disappeared.

i had the same issue and it worked if i do "Run As Administrator"

Same error popped up for me in Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 Preview. Problem disappears after restarting windows, no need to run the command and lose your settings.

I got the same problem but could bypass it running VS as administrator (right clicking...). When I checked my path variable in without elevated privileges saw it was way shorter than the path variable running with eleveated privileges (runas administrator). So i just replaced my short path variable with the largest one (which has more tan 2048 characters by the way) and voila! problema solved! Hope it helps. PD: I never thought you could've 2 different path variables depending if running or not under full admin privileges.