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What are .sln and .vcproj files, and what do they contain?

I'm new in the world of Visual Studio. Can somebody please explain what these two files contain? I know that one of them contains info about project, but what about the other one?

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geek Avatar asked Aug 20 '11 18:08


People also ask

What does sln file contain?

The . sln file contains text-based information the environment uses to find and load the name-value parameters for the persisted data and the project VSPackages it references. When a user opens a solution, the environment cycles through the preSolution , Project , and postSolution information in the .

What is a .vcproj file?

Programming project created with Visual C++, a component of Microsoft Visual Studio; includes project settings and references to files used by the project; serves as a central file that organizes the project files; formatted in XML.

What is .csproj and .sln file?

Csproj file contain info ab projects and . sln file contains info ab all the Projects in the solution.

2 Answers

A project file .vcproj / .vcxproj contains settings on how to compile your code into a DLL or a binary file, or something else that the linker can assemble into one unit. A project file is just an xml file that contains compiler settings, linker settings, and describes which files you want to compile.

A solution file *.slnis a text file that groups together multiple project files.

So if you think of it like a tree, then you have got a good mental picture of it like this:

.sln    .vcproj       .h       .h       .cpp       .cpp    .vcxproj       .h       .h       .cpp       .cpp    .csproj       .cs 
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C Johnson Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

C Johnson

Solution files and project files are in an XML format and describe the parts of your projects and their relations, configurations and so on. In fact, both of these files are simply MSBuild scripts (which are run through MSBuild when, you guessed it, building your project.)

This means they are easy to manipulate by hand if needs be (though this should be a rare case) and also allows to add custom parts to the build script, create custom build scripts for MSBuild that can include the solution file, among other things, or just simple auto-build scripts that pass the solution file (or project) to MSBuild, say, on version control check-in.

The difference between solution files and project files is that a project file holds information specific to that project, unaware of its solution (though, Visual Studio will look up the hierarchy to an extent in an attempt find the relevant solution when opening a project, if one exists); the solution file is aware of all projects that are part of that solution and references each of them (such as a directory of files, if you like, but with projects), it also contains solution-wide information / configuration, that can be applicable to all projects within the solution.

As pointed out by Hans Passant, there is an exception: files for C++ projects pre-VS2010 are not XML MSBuild files, but are instead a format documented by Microsoft on MSDN.

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Grant Thomas Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Grant Thomas