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Printing test execution times and pinning down slow tests with py.test




I'm not sure this will solve your problem, but you can pass --durations=N to print the slowest N tests after the test suite finishes.

Use --durations=0 to print all.

You can pass the number with --durations

pytest --durations=0 — Show all times for tests and setup and teardown

pytest --durations=1 — Just show me the slowest

pytest --durations=50 — Slowest 50, with times, … etc

Take refer in: https://medium.com/@brianokken/pytest-durations-0-show-all-times-for-tests-and-setup-and-teardown-848dccac85db

Or: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/usage.html#profiling-test-execution-duration