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How to break a line of chained methods in Python?

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How do you break lines in Python?

To break a line in Python, use the parentheses or explicit backslash(/). Using parentheses, you can write over multiple lines. The preferred way of wrapping long lines is using Python's implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets, and braces.

You could use additional parentheses:

subkeyword = (
    Session.query(Subkeyword.subkeyword_id, Subkeyword.subkeyword_word)

This is a case where a line continuation character is preferred to open parentheses. The need for this style becomes more obvious as method names get longer and as methods start taking arguments:

subkeyword = Session.query(Subkeyword.subkeyword_id, Subkeyword.subkeyword_word) \
                    .filter_by(subkeyword_company_id=self.e_company_id)          \
                    .filter_by(subkeyword_word=subkeyword_word)                  \
                    .filter_by(subkeyword_active=True)                           \

PEP 8 is intend to be interpreted with a measure of common-sense and an eye for both the practical and the beautiful. Happily violate any PEP 8 guideline that results in ugly or hard to read code.

That being said, if you frequently find yourself at odds with PEP 8, it may be a sign that there are readability issues that transcend your choice of whitespace :-)

My personal choice would be:

subkeyword = Session.query(

Just store the intermediate result/object and invoke the next method on it, e.g.

q = Session.query(Subkeyword.subkeyword_id, Subkeyword.subkeyword_word)
q = q.filter_by(subkeyword_company_id=self.e_company_id)
q = q.filter_by(subkeyword_word=subkeyword_word)
q = q.filter_by(subkeyword_active=True)
subkeyword = q.one()

It's a bit of a different solution than provided by others but a favorite of mine since it leads to nifty metaprogramming sometimes.

base = [Subkeyword.subkeyword_id, Subkeyword_word]
search = {
subkeyword = Session.query(*base).filter_by(**search).one()

This is a nice technique for building searches. Go through a list of conditionals to mine from your complex query form (or string-based deductions about what the user is looking for), then just explode the dictionary into the filter.

According to Python Language Reference
You can use a backslash.
Or simply break it. If a bracket is not paired, python will not treat that as a line. And under such circumstance, the indentation of following lines doesn't matter.