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Print Var in JsFiddle

To be able to see output from console.log() in JSFiddle, go to External Resources on the left-side panel and add the following link for Firebug:


Example of the result after adding firebug-lite-debug.js

I have a template for this purpose; here is the code I use:


<pre id="output"></pre>


function out()
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
    document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += args.join(" ") + "\n";

Sample use (JavaScript)

out("Hello world!");
out("Your lottery numbers are:", Math.random(), 999, Math.PI);
out("Today is", new Date());


document.getElementById('element').innerHTML = ...;

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/HKhw8/

Might not do what you do, but you can type


And it will print the string into the console of your browser. In chrome push CTRL + SHIFT + J to open the console.

You can do this ---> http://jsfiddle.net/chY5y/


Now jsfiddle can do it from the scratch. Just go to Javascrpt --> Frameworks & extensions --> Jquery(edge) and check Firebug lite checkbox

document.body.innerHTML = "Your data";