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Bootstrap Dropdown with Hover

People also ask

How can create hover dropdown in Bootstrap?

Answer: Use the jQuery hover() method By default, to open or display the dropdown menu in Bootstrap you have to click on the trigger element. However, if you want to show the dropdown on mouseover instead of click you can do it with little customization using the CSS and jQuery.

How do you make a hover dropdown?

Example Explained Use any element to open the dropdown menu, e.g. a <button>, <a> or <p> element. Use a container element (like <div>) to create the dropdown menu and add the dropdown links inside it. Wrap a <div> element around the button and the <div> to position the dropdown menu correctly with CSS.

How do I open a dropdown in Bootstrap?

To open the dropdown menu, use a button or a link with a class of . dropdown-toggle and the data-toggle="dropdown" attribute. The . caret class creates a caret arrow icon (), which indicates that the button is a dropdown.

The easiest solution would be in CSS. Add something like...

.dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 0; // remove the gap so it doesn't close

Working Fiddle

The best way of doing it is to just trigger bootstraps click event with a hover. This way, it should still remain touch device friendly

  $('.dropdown-toggle', this).trigger('click'); 

You can use jQuery's hover function.

You just need to add the class open when the mouse enters and remove the class when the mouse leaves the dropdown.

Here's my code:

    $('.dropdown').hover(function() {
    function() {

An easy way, using jQuery, is this:

    $('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {
      $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(200);
    }, function() {
      $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(200);