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PrimeNG manually invoke FileUpload

I want to select the files first and then to start upload those files by an another button instead of component's own Upload button.

How can I do this?

Example code what I've tried:

<button pButton type="button" label="Start Upload"

<p-fileUpload #fileInput name="fileIcon"

@ViewChild('fileInput') fileInput:ElementRef;

constructor( private renderer: Renderer ) { }


    // this.fileInput.upload(); -> doesn't compile, undefined
    // this.fileInput.nativeElement.upload(); -> this.fileInput.nativeElement is undefined

like image 373
Korki Korkig Avatar asked May 24 '17 08:05

Korki Korkig

2 Answers

Example code which works for me

import {FileUpload} from 'primeng/primeng';

export class AppComponent {
    @ViewChild('fileInput') fileInput: FileUpload;


Plunker Example

like image 114
yurzui Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 14:11


If you can, you should use build in buttons. To get access to class variables and methods, you can use ViewChild. You should:

  1. Set customUpload to true.
  2. Set your uploadHandler for custom upload
  3. Set local variable #variable_name in template.
  4. Add ViewChild with local variable as selector in component.ts
  5. Add new variable to your component.ts with FileUpload type (so now you have access to variables and methods - in VS Code you can click right and go to definition to see all things)

    @ViewChild('fileInput') fileInput:FileUpload;
    // remember to import FileUpload and of course FileUploadModule
    onSelect() {
      // here custom validation for file (for example check image's dimension)
    customUpload(event) {
      // here you can set your custom upload
like image 1
Mieszczańczyk S. Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 14:11

Mieszczańczyk S.